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Love Across The 38th Parallel

제4화 Orientation (2)

글자 수:1391    |    업데이트 시간: 04/02/2024

fatigue, my body yearning for rest. The captivating allure of a hot, soothing bath, followed by the welcoming comfort of my cozy bed, seemed m

cate webs of tension from my tired muscles. It was during this leisurely stroll that my eyes fell upon a few North Kor

f steaming ramen and sipping on drinks. They were enjoying a peaceful evening with their South Ko

rawing a weary but content smile on my face. Just as I was about to bid the campus goodnight an

!!" it c

winging wildly, creating a bizarre rhythm with his hurried footsteps. He was panting h

you," he managed to say be

?" I asked, my

ent with a local university student," he rev

ions of seamless integration and bonding between the exchange students, which I

to lead the way as we broke into a brisk walk. My mind was a whirlpool of unea

rated from the open courtyard. My pace quickened, stomach churning with a

In the center stood Youngchul, his shoulders squared and eyes b

dges, that's why your backward country will a

osure start to crack. His shoulders tensed, neck muscles straining as his hands

ed?" the agitator goaded, shoving his face closer to Youngchul's.

ging wildly. Chaos erupted as the two grappled fiercely, exchanging blows that cracked through the courtyard. I stood frozen in dismay for a split second that seemed to slow time - my ho

t of venomous verbal attacks. His eyes had gone cold and flat in a way that paralyzed me even before the bl

gh the courtyard. But the instigator seemed fueled by pain and rage now. With a garbled

nd elbows finding their marks lost beneath the roar of the crowd encircling

pavement and rained furious blows upon his opponent. But with lethal precision, Youngchul seized his moment - bracing hi

n an instant, straddling his chest to pin him in place. I saw his muscular right arm pull back, hand

oing to pound another man's face into a bloody, unrecognizable mess before my very eyes. And at hi

h the tightly encircled crowd. Two brawny officers wrestled a battered an

m the lapel pin bearing the North Korean flag and the deference the students showe

s stood by while our student was brutally attacked and you dare res

rnational dispute that could end the program entirely. As the polic

ountry or university as a whole, nor indicate any ill intentions against your people!"

glowered but held his tongue as

g at the damage inflicted on his handsome face. One eye was almost swollen shut, blood still

whether to himself or me, I couldn't tell. "Sa

rning his chin to assess his wounds. "One ma

eyes that had first met me with such courageous optimism. My heart cracked realiz

me, let me take you to the clinic to treat your injuries. The heal

he faintest nod. I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. Arm encircling his waist gently, I guided him away

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