A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms
scipline, in the second year of the period Hwang-che, being the Ke-hae year of the cycle,(2) he entered into an engagement
hey went forward to the kingdom of Now-t'an,(8) crossed the mountain of Yang-low, and reached the emporium of Chang-yih.(9) There they found the country so much disturbed
er, resuming after it their travelling, and going on to T'un-hwang,(13) (the chief town) in the frontier territory of defence extending for about 80 le from east to west, and about 40 from north to south. Their company,
avellers) who encounter them perish all to a man. There is not a bird to be seen in the air above, nor an animal on the ground below. Though you look all round most
l the name of the prin
t of Se-gan, Shen-se.
Han (B.C. 202-A.D. 24),
618). The empire of th
sien lived, had its cap
he capital of the pr
, with many other min
sin, their rulers some
of e
che embraced from A.D
he reign of Yao Hing
dopted Hwang-che for
cal name of that year
distance of time to e
came to say that Ke-ha
st reasonable to suppos
, the cycle name of wh
ad of {.}, the first,
rs of Eminent Monks" it
ar of the period Lung-g
was A.
n itself, are all what
given to the parties
taka or canon consists
g to Eitel (p. 150),
rting to be from Budd
on metaphysics:"-cal
, king {.}, leuh {.},
iscussions. Dr. Rhys
ysics" as used of themore the relation to
hat which 'metaphysic
49). However this be,
s chiefly concerned. H
rnment of "the Order"
al rel
western part of Shen-s
remains in Lung Chow,
second king of "the Wes
barous origin, from th
K'eih-fuh. The first
t from the sovereign of
d in 388 by his brother
sperous in 398, and to
ind him at his capital,
of Lan-ch
ashavasana (Pali, vass
-"One of the most an
equiring all ecclesias
in devotional exerci
he hot season for the r
e 15th of the 9t
d period of the Tsin d
ignties in the western
emains in the departme
uh. The "southern Lean
succeeded in 399 by a b
, the Now-t'an of the t
Fa-Hsien and his frien
as being so may be a
it is not nec
the name of a district
way north and west fro
s king at this time was
for religious charit
attaining to nirvana;
thereby crosses {.} t
f honour to all who
arity, especially to f
s;"-see Ei
ims with their cler
yun, who translated va
of which only one seems
io's Catalogue of the
d summer since the pilg
fore, probabl
39d 40s N.; lon. 94d 5
icts constituting the d
fectures of Kan-suh; be
s, and where he was go
dmit of any oth
ive of Lung-se, a man
ent. He was appointed
of "the northern Lean
ming by and by "duke of
d;" the great desert o
t was a great task whi
his desert. The name of
and he thinks of cros
d to traverse it from
Names," p. 23, Dr. P
rn frontier of Mongoli
urkestan, to within s
It thus comprises so
h, and from three to
t 2,100 miles in its g
Some idea may be form
,' with its vast billow
end that in one of the
space of twenty-four h
e Mongols