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The Slant Book

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2522    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

very much pleased with the way Lieutenant Governor Vidac is handling details. And as far as the

," said T

days we'll be arriving at Roald and the strain of this long trip will be over. Mr. Vidac is a capable man and I trust him implicitly, no matter how s

he deck, while Astro studied the bulkhead behind the governor's desk. "If that'

nsubstantiated stories such as Vidac sending you to scout an unknown asteroid cluster in a poorly equipped

the cadets. They salu

ached the safety of their quarters

er. "Either Hardy is the smoothest crook in t

isn't a little bit of

ened and the cadets s

ey yelled

lumly as he entered the room. He slump

c met us before we got out of the ai

anything about it," sa

ittle work on it, hoping to have it ready for you when y

re building that communicator, he'd have found it soone

d Astro. The others looked at the big

Astro. We're tied hand and foot to t

ernor Hardy?"

question left in our minds is whether Hardy is working for Vidac, or Vidac

d Tom half to hims

alone in its magnificence. With the Polaris leading the way for the mass of space vessels that stretched back and away, th

, Mercury, Titan, and Ganymede, and hundreds of outposts in the asteroid belt, these Earthmen were braving new dangers and hardships, leaving the comfort of their homes to establish the first star colony.

g! Ships to follow the Polaris and touc

Tom. The three cadets had been reassigned to their original stations

for touchdown, Cor

on the intercom and barked orders

-quarter space speed, Astro. Stan

" repli

Tom. "How far are w

own is two hundred thousand f

barked Tom, his eyes watching every

eported Roger. "Looks like an open plain righ

t a quick glance, saw that there was plenty of room on the plain Roger had mentioned to hol

," repli

hecked his instruments. Behind him, Vidac and Governor Hardy watched the

hundred thousand feet

e," repl

t," reported Roger. "One-O-se

rockets was cut to a whisper and the ship beg

Tom's shoulder. "What're you tryi

. "The best way to find out is to check our rate of fall.

ped Vidac on the shoulder. "Whatever your difficulties coming out here wit

bad they don't know how to

concentrated on the task of gett

er. "I'd say that the gravity of Ro

e her one-quarter thrust, Astro.

ted for the ship's descent to be checked, and sudden con

feet," reported Roge

ed his instruments again and his heart jumped up into his throat. The needles of all the gauges

d! We've got to get out of here!" Tom whirled around to face Vidac and Ha

he matter?" st

th our whole electrical sys

eat his statement when suddenly the rockets blasted loudly, and the ship tossed and rocked, throwing everyone off his

ad adjusted to the sudden acceleration, "I'll have

't ordered emergency space speed, we'd all be smeared across that plain down there." He

"let me take a look a

ry major circuit in the giant panel. Finally

ll have to forget about landing on Roald unti

any malfunction aboard

ents to react the way they did came from Roald. You'll have to s

you think it is

or. "But I wouldn't attempt to land down there until we kn

idac. "Is this another

ly, so incredible did the lieut

e sat down in the pilot's chair and called Roger on the radar bridge. "Notify a

r!" repl

hispered Tom,

e the control deck. He paused in the hatch to call b

ernor Hardy but changed his mind and st

n lever and called into the intercom, "Stand

aye, sir," re

e surface of Roald once more, Tom stood behind Vidac with Hardy and watched the instruments

etly, "isn't there s

" snapped Hardy. "Tha

ris to land successfully. He felt sure he could have made a touchdown on the satellite without trouble, but his first thought had been for the

nd feet to touchdow

decreasing rate. But the tension on the control deck mo

sand feet," r

near-by acceleration chai

nd feet!" y

dered Vidac. Tom heard the whine of the rockets

and feet," r

Tom wondered what it was he was watching, since t

t!" screamed Roger

safely on the surfa

the sudden acceleration, and Tom could feel the tug of war between the cruiser's thrust and the satell

te. They were dropping too fast. He watched Vidac and waited for the only order t

"Emergency power! We'

Vidac!" screamed Tom a

ugh paralyzed. Tom slipped off the straps of the acceleration ch

emergency thr

and throwing Tom to the deck. A loud, crashing sound filled the ship, followed by a strange stillness.

overnor was unstrapping himself from the pilot's chair. His fac

r from the radar deck. "We

staring at the open hatch. "He lost his nerve," said Tom aloud, half to himself and half

f it wasn't for your quick thinking, w

work, Tom," he shouted, slapping his unit mate on the b

y like that suddenly losin

adn't seen it with my own

of course," said Hardy. "I'll see that

just assure me that my reports back to the A

ing sent?" asked Hardy,

don't think so. And this is the firs

arrived, Corbett. I'll take this matter up with Vidac as soon

space monkey!"

Tom, "I'll be

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