The Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and Two Rambler papers (1750)
Author: Samuel Johnson Genre: LiteratureThe Vanity of Human Wishes (1749) and Two Rambler papers (1750)
irit of irreverence overtook him. Then, at the thought of the waiting Butsey, he began to pipe forth volumi
of Laloo's, gazed at him from the dept
cheerful," he
y n
as a k
! Were yo
d, no! I enj
liar, you are. What
d all that sort of thing. And
sey, precipitately leaving
e on you," said Stover, whose imag
e made, for, reckoning on his host, he was already in his thir
the truth," he said, "it'll kill
indeed, he was always leaning against something-his
said Butsey White professionally. "Mr. Stover's h
ck and gave Stover his hand i
pose you want one?" He looked at Stover in sleepy reproachfulness,
Pomeranian," said Butsey, pe
r, selected a roll and lo
tter?" said Di
id in explanation. "He likes to ta
t's coming to me,"
orous mass. He shut his eyes, gazed seraphica
fancy young
aid Dink, lost in the vapo
ucking the Doctor under the chin," said Butsey glibly.
ch?" sa
the nearest wall, elevated four
" said
and t
se. "Oh, come, I didn't eat three-well
Butsey and paid. Laloo followed them to the door,
We'll go in later for lamps and crockery and all that sort of thing. I thought we
ds with a quick, business-like little man with a Western mustac
iness?" said Butsey af
it's bad," said
at little iron safe of yours is just crackin
r. White. Just com
Stover's great admiration. "Well, are you going to set us
kish paste, Mr. White," said
Butsey, looki
sets, Mr. Stover," said Appleby softly. "Just
Butsey, hastily consulting
. Stover, quenching the hot dogs in root
ll, how's
Mr. Parsons
sey, as they moved off. "Seen
, I haven't sa
We all do. It's e-tiquette. There's Firmin's," he said, with a wave of his hand-"post-offi
against the glass. They elbowed their way in through the joyous, buzzing mass to where by the counter, Al, watchdog of the jigger, scooped out the fresh strawberry ice cream and gathered in the nickels that went before. At the moment of their arrival Al was in what might be
an't fool him-not for a minute. Talk about Pierpont Morgan! Why, he knows the whole blooming lot of us, just what we're worth. Why, that ey
ening his glance on hi
e, you Butsey,"
weet tooth on these here s
half motion in the air, as thoug
y, double strawb
s droope
over, here's setting up," said
fastened on Stover,
t go
n, Astorbilt," said Butsey.
id Stover, rising to the occa
hustle 'em," said Butsey Whi
depths of his first strawberry jigger, inserted his spoon gingerly and took a nibble. Then he drew a long, contente
inst time, flung out occas
you at three-better bring some back in box-don't tell
convulsive gulp Butsey White finished his glass, and burst from the shop in the helt
enty sprint before the bell stops. We're out
?" said Sto
l. "You're all right for to
ing to feel hungry, ordered another j
ooming with B
e s
ne word of advice, young fellow. Sew your shirt to your bac
y, gesturing with his spoon. "And I rather fan
aid Dink grandiloquently, egged on by the other's tone
the Tennessee Sh
ppahannock," returned
e, the Tennessee Shad, with a stiff-jointed l
money, but do you good," said Macnooder as
ew up his thin, long legs, laid one bony finger agai
tered appetizing trays of éclairs, plum cakes and cream puffs and, whistling a melancholy n
and little rhinoceros eyes had followed
our conduct
," said Al in
ooking in surprise at the equ
he flimfl
four o'clock this very afternoon Turkey Reiter will proceed to cash a check and settle for a fou
trust me t
tent clipper, bega
you tru
make me
ee Shad, entering the discussion. "
the Tennessee Shad and waited
at?" said
out you
s lo
got a stick
never thought Al w
the Tennessee Shad, as though struck by an inspiratio
der indignantly. "This coat's b
, both elbows on the counter, and stu
p," said the
is coat and, besides, I've got to make
ly a couple of hours; and you know you said you were going to
seemed t
a real, high-life coat f
up; I'm
satisfied. "I wouldn't bother
xclaimed the
off look. "I bit once-way back in '89. It's a good game, s
?" said Doc Macno
ithout malice. "When you try anything as slick as that again you want to b
looked at the
to pay for them?"
s tha
, slapping down a qu
n appreciative extra dab with the
ittle. Here's Stover, over there,
stared at Stover, who all the while had remained in
over?" said Ma
e noon
t fo
he Tennessee Shad, offering his han
d his hand with extr
t ho
ed by the sight of a 'varsity jerse
ll you
g par
ll you
taken back by the offer, "
bet you've been paying out all day. Butsey White's a low-down,
d Stover gratefully, feeling his hear
id the Tennessee Shad, nodding wisely. "
n me," said Stover, thinking o
" said Macnood
as they
s this the line of talk you've been putting ou
ll put
ng to have a won
ut with less confidence than when he had a
e come to. Why, there's a bunch of young stock jobbers around here that would make a Wall Street bunco-steerer take to raisi
," said Dink
the floor. At the same moment Doc Macnooder, ambling innocently by on the farther sidewalk, turned, dash
without enthusiasm. "Finish up
ctually made the turn of the counter and stationed himself at the door, watching the group de
he cobbler's, in the direction of the Dicki
body-snatchers don't get electro