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The Germ: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art

Chapter 3 The Crowning with Thorns

Word Count: 264    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

e time

by himself u

barge freighted

, slowly labore

ed the long wave

to his feet,

and then two,

er, throwing u

ngs as only c

lace where Je

w his thoughtful

t each other,

had upon his

owers, and in

from him, sayin

l all prefer

" and then he p

, who meekly b

ok the reed, th

simple offeri

ndering why th

reverence, pro

y. And Jesu


er song, whos

murmur, like a

e wide church

tened till th

tting rocks,

broke, and Jes

ne, on his fa

beauty all un

nocence did l

oup of happy

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