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The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle; Or, The Strange Cruise of the Steam Yacht


Word Count: 1922    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

numerous small windows, down in front of which ran an iron fire escape. The lower floor was used as

ck saw that Cuffer was not there. He rightly surmised tha

with him," mused Dick. "If so,

ention to the youth until he gained the dingy office, where two

sked one of the men abrupt

med Cuffer s

clerk shoo

man who came in a minute or two ago-fello

en, next floor," and the clerk pointed up

face. If he had the man arrested it might lead to legal complications, and the voyage in search of

bers on the still more dingy doors. Eighteen proved to b

ices in the room beyond. He listened, and made out Cuffe

before I had a chance

Cuffer wa

catch the young fellow

he didn't know enough t

e Rovers followed

s soon as I reached the Bowery,

o do next?" asked Sh

but to wait until tomorr

ith in this trea

the bills. I wouldn't put a

h money to see th

sted in the hunt by promising him a share of the find. He says as soon as he can

the Spania

e of the chaps who originally t

ere do we

r the gold and jewels when they are found. Some of those sailors are pretty bloodthirs

was no telling, but probably as quickly as he could get ready. More than this, he expected to have with him the Spaniard, Doranez, the fellow who had said he was going to Spain to

ck. "Or if only Tom has captured Tad Sobber

to the keyhole, to catch what they might say. Then, of a sudd

he hall!" cried that individua

en them the two men dragged the boy into the room and shut the door after him. Dick struggled vigorously

the look on his face showed he meant what he said. Seeing his captors were

said Cuffer, uglily. He was angry to think th

eply. He felt nothing was to be

ce busines

than the busin

't thi

eague with Sid Merrick, and

. "Now we have him in here, wha

g to let me o

Cuffer, and gave Shel

him," suggested Shelley, and returned

s and rob him. The men were thorough rascals and if the

Instantly both men grabbed him, and while Cuffer held him tightly from the rear, Shelley caught up a

ody is coming!" cried

helley and ran to the hall door

here?" demanded the vo

g a vaudeville turn," a

engagement f

erk and went away. It chanced that actors occasionally stopped at the hotel and practised their pa

his pockets, stripping him of his watch and chain, and twenty four dollars and a quarter in money. They also took a small diamo

haul," was the

htly, he could do but little. As soon as the men had taken his things from him, they shut the closet d

spire freely. But without waiting to make certain that the men were re

as a good quarter of an hour

he troublesome gag, which had all but sm

t by bracing his feet against the back wall, Dick got a firm hold and soon his shoulder on the

en had flown, and for good, for two valise

door, only to find it

soned, after a look out of the window,

dy answered his summons. Then an ig

" she demanded, in a

n. Let me out,

key and unlocked the door. She gazed at Dick in

know yez had tha

men who had this room

id n

ed me and

rve us! Robbe

I had. Sure you

ce this

found the place deserted, the clerk having gone down to the dining room for his supper, and nobody

r our guests. You had better go and see the police. I hope y

now the m

in, hired that room, and came and went to suit themselves. One was nam

es. Then you won't h

he clerk, calmly. "We are not to blame

spent an hour in looking up and down the Bowery for Cuffer and Shelley, but without success. Then, as

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