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The Motor Boys on the Atlantic; or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse


Word Count: 1537    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

matter?" c

plied Bob. "Some

magneto," Ned exclaim

es I put in," called Jerry. "Lively now

fire as the two pieces of copper came together, and, with a sound like a gun, the engine resumed its revolutions. A charge

he's off!"

first speed, as he wanted to give it a chance to

away. One of the boats in the rear had almost caught

now," said Jerry grimly. "It's a

he cylinders all the gasolene they would t

The Dartaway responded nobly, and fairly shot through

h batteries. This gave a better and hotter spark, and rendered th

ound and the boat increased her speed. Tho

" Jerry murmured. "Ho

't be b

ow down. We're right against the

the leading boat was but two lengths ahead. But the last stake was close at hand. Five

gave one look towards the stake-boat and another at Snail, and then shoved the sparking lever over as far as he

e utter limit to which the

ased impulse, and to fairly skim over the water. She darted ahead, and, with hearts that beat high with hop

ch or two better if she was to win. Those aboard the Snail were do

peered over the side to see what their rivals were doin

ry whispered under his breath. "O

the boat, no one could tell, but the Dartaway shot ahead, several inches. There was an exultant cheer from the

he Dartaway crosse

chorus of shouts and yells! What a sound of gasole

n the Three Bells, fire

Dartaway's ord

to a signal, slowed down his craft and put it over to th

enkinson. "I thought you boys were out of it w

batteries, and was congrat

f the Snail said, as he shook hands with Jerry

he handed Jerry a beautiful silver cup. "May it be an in

' boat was surrounded by a score of craft,

ou all for allowing us to take part in this race, and if any one

yelled t

said Captain Jones, owner of the Sn

me to try," J

had snatched the race from defeat, and the skillful way in

season at Harmon Beach, which was quite a resort for those who loved the sea. The boys did no

in the shelter house. At first they thought it might be Mrs. Hopkins,

blow, b

y's locker


y de

the hail

gged clothes, the trousers of which he kept hitching up, while he rolled his l

ties!" he cried.

you?" ask

m. A relic of

and paid little attention to him. For a while Salt Water Sam regarded the boys with h

aid Ned. "I'd l

nce. He seems to make himse

took Mrs. Hopkins out, and she enjoyed the little cruises very much. Jerry wanted to take he

the other night," said Jerry. "I

tioned Mrs. Hopkins, and the boys promised

aid. He had superintended putting aboard a quantity of provisions includ

fisherman's boat come in. It was the kind of craft with a smal

the boys could see, by the manner of the men, th

tter?" they he

found our nets all ripped up, and, as we were wonder

ng down to the dock. "A whale! Shiver my timbers, there she blows!" he cried, seeming to

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