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The Motor Boys on the Atlantic; or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse


Word Count: 1584    |    Released on: 04/12/2017

to sea?" in

terror in them. The bo

icnic. "It isn't the first time I've been towed by a whale. That's the way they d

" asked Jerry, who did n

t is, if you cut the line in t

ou mean?"

before you know it. Then, if you don't cut the

ter cut it now,

day with a whale in the North Sea. I was mate of the Dogstar then, as fine a craft as I ever saw. But she was wre

sked Jerry, not a little anx

dvantage we didn't have in the old whale boats. You can keep the engine going

kward, the whale seemed to have no difficulty in pulling the Da

The beach had long since been left astern,

to accept this as a matter of course. He had brought a lance along, in addition to his ha

e ever increasing distance from shore. The

ter give it up,

ting hungry, Chun

ewhat, and, when Sam told them he would only hold on a little

matter how far we go we can get back, and we'll not

ce to go to sea in a sm

Atlantic in," said the sailor.

brightening up, somewhat at the rem

Salt Water Sam. "It's a fine

back, in their craft, and Jerry did not believe his mother would worry. Besides s

a monster of the deep. The boys realized it was an experience they might nev

them. As the reversing of the engine seemed to have no slackening effect on t

rvation. The boys could see nothing but the long, thin line

doubt of it with the way the boat was speeding through the water

d been seated and began rum

e matter?"

ed Chunky. "Got to ha

didn't have much dinner myself, and sa

the gasolene stove and made coffee, which with some sandwiches and canne

his whale ever towed a dinner p

ere's a pot of money in it, even if he isn't a spermer. We can land him on the

ry, glancing at the line, noticed it wa

arked, as he peered anxiously forward. "Goi

It was one thing to chase a whale. It was altogether anoth

l we do?"

and see what he's

he come

That's the only safe rule

ined calm, and, as the sailor remarked, was like a "mill pond

as he stood up, trying to ca

was coming toward the boat. There was a roll

ied Sam. "Quick! Start t

e fly wheel. He cranked it, praying silen

gasolene and spark. There sounded a welcome "chug," an

whale. The line, fast to the bow, swung over the stern, lengthwise o

am at the cut-water. The big wave at the back was nearer now. It was ca

et away?"

uted Sam. "Put a little

whale gained. There was no doubt that the monster was nearer, in spite of the fa

ut of her?" called the sa

erry, his he

s and sink u

am. "Maybe he'll rush past

n the left, if it would, in its maddened rush. The sa

the bow. It had been slack, but now it grew taut again, a

ne side, was moving forward again. Then, as though trying a last resort to rid it

sed. Lower and lower it went into the wate

down with him


p in the air. Sam had cut it with his hatchet, and the whale had escaped its enemies. The b

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