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The Devil's Mate

The Devil's Mate


Chapter 1 

Word Count: 539    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

clock...it was the sixth clock this month I“d unknowingly smashed to bits this month alone. Mum keep

pen, I stand back and run my shoulder into the rusty door. The door creaks open

. I round the corner rushing to the last classroom down the hall. Not looking where I“m going,

male voice murmurs from

re down at me, bulging muscles straining against his thin b

n my spine spreading a warmness through me as

against his probably 6 foot 2 body. My breasts pressed against hi

the excitement in his eyes f

he no longer looks excited like he was when he was

immediately missing his warmth, muttering thanks and goodbye, I rush in

I walk past him to my seat

ng when in fact all I can think about is the guy from the h

ea what has been going on all day, caught up in my own world

to look up the language, I assume it“s latin and get transl

en a stack of about ten papers fly out, picking them up, I quickly scan them over and r

, someone wrote. “If you“re lo

? T

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