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The Devil's Mate

Chapter 5 

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

ey have no idea what they“re talking about. Hell is hot, there is crying, screaming, gr

thought of so many ways on how to escape from the window but when I saw

room because he looked me in after I had tried to run for the large door in the main lobby. Yes, I had asked


ng the hellfire from the window outside cast tall shadows along the walls of the room, staring up at the tall ceiling try

nd the light from the hallway shin

calls to me from the door. "Will Misstress be eating with Master

ff right? Masha is a failed experiment of that, in fact, there are quite a few of them here wo

t. Masha does, however, force me once in a while to eat. The food here is the

sting my hand back on my thin

want to see him. I“

rom my position on the bed I spring up and turn to look at the door, Masha is hid

t him. "You know for a kidnapper, I don“t thi

e floor. Masha“s little “yip, yip“ sounds that she makes as she moves fade into the hallway as she c

im. His eyes are pools of brown with specks of red a beautiful yet dangerous combination, the heat of his g

agging me out of my room by my forearm, I stumble behind him unable to keep up with hi

eakly, as I sway from side to side

y stomach gives out

a high pitched tone. "You will e

talking what I“

sy, tomato smell of my all time favourite food fills my senses and I

d dragging a plate with a slice of heaven on it. "I lov

, we have some

to mine but at the head of the table. "My grandmother made you

is. I can officially say I can die in peace right here right now. Continuing

ng with my mouth full, I forcefully swallow whatever I have in my mouth and look at him watchi

he food in his mouth. "If I can make you fall in

od thoughtfully as if he“s thi

r, try," he adds

eek," I challenge, staring directly at him, t

wn his fork." However, you must take

her bite of lasagna. "If I fall in love, I

s a nod

itating due to his last reaction when I

is deafening

, looking over at hi

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