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Creepy Japanese Urban Legends

Creepy Japanese Urban Legends


Chapter 1 Kuchisake-onna (Slit-Mouthed Woman)

Word Count: 528    |    Released on: 05/12/2017

an, known as Kuchisake-onna. Although she may se

mutilated by her husband, and has now returned as a malicious spirit, out to cause havoc and chaos. This caused so much panic i

supernatural monsters, demons, and spirits in Japanese folklore. Although I don“t mention the wo

ormer patient of a mental asylum, and that she slit her mouth open due to insanity. There is also the one where she was the wife of a sa

o, she will pull out a pair of scissors in her pocket and stab them viciously until they are dead. If the

s yes, then she will slit his/her mouth so it resembles her own scarred mouth. It is

re average" or "So-so". Another method is to flip her questions towards her, such as asking her "Do you think I“m pretty?" Unsure of what to do, she will ponder the reply for a couple seconds. It gives the person just

o tell her that they have somewhere to be; s

accounts of seeing her with enough evidence. But, either way, you

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