One Day at a Time
eems to be a meaningless jumble of cherubim, and wheels,--wheels within wheels, complex, wonderful, unresting. B
it is a good thing for us to think ab
viour God. But men who dwell in towns, and work in mills and factories and yards and railways, or who control or manage such places, have little to do with either corn or sheep. Is it not worth while to remind them that God is also in the wheels? Do you remember how Kipling's old
hat all the countless wheels of traffic and production turn and spin, for He needs them all, and has brought them into being by the hands of men, and they are His, as the Church is His. I would not have you, as Christian men, look upon your week-day world with its mechanism and its
se turning brings us Change. If you will allow the figure
anges hurt and perplex us most. Godly old customs die out. The face of truth seems to alter. Old notes in religion disappear and new ones take their place, and we are sorely tempted to ask if it be possible that the child
His blessing. The Bible does not envy the man who has no changes. It is afraid for him
e that God's promise is that He will do better for us than at the beginnings, and I believe He is keeping His promise. I must believe that the history of this world which man rough hews, is--spite of all the wars--being shaped by God Himself, or else there is no God at
Chance, they are sometimes called, the mere whirligig of destiny, as if the world were some blind irresp
in life have known nothing but good fortune, and after that, nothing but disappointment and disaster. Out of a blue sky the bolt may fall on any one; while from clouds lowering and heavy, it is waited for, expected and dreaded--and never comes! The merest knife
ned from Jesus to say and to trust "Our Father who art in Heaven." We know and believe that whatever is to come falls not by chance, but is sent and permitted by the Love of God, who makes no mistakes. Taught and inspired by Jesus, man
on of that. Law there is, and mechanism there must be. But neither blind nor soulless. For, abo
f Change, Wheels of Destiny.
okens there. Deliver us from all foolish fear of changes since the goad moving all things onward is in our Father's hand. And h
shall live
NS i.