One Day at a Time
at is the true reading, and I want you to think about it. "God giveth to His beloved while they sleep." Over and above what you have yourself achieved, you GET something y
shly burning his candle at both ends, and consuming himself in a frenzy of tense anxiety, to leave something for God to do. It is as if he said, "Why so hot, little man, why so fiercely clutching all the ropes? Rem
all, I am not Providence. I am always getting a great many things I have not wrought for. I shall worry less about securing the good things I desire for
ed entirely just. "You would think," he said, "to see so-and-so shepherding his family, that there was no other providence than
g done so, leave the outcome with God. About a great many of the things over which we worry ourselves needlessly, I believe God's word to us is:--Leave the
er, I asked God to give it rain and the rain came, and when I thought it wanted sun I asked God and the sun shone, and when I deemed it needed strengthening, I prayed and the frost came--God gave me all I deman
gone wrong with him. The plan on which he spent so much of his time and energy has miscarried, and a very diffe
y to heal his hurt lightly. Nevertheless, to him also the psalmist's message applies, and what he needs t
al failure as the beginning of a true success or usefulness or happiness. We did not feel as if we were being enriched when our plan fell through, and we
calls us to believe and trust that that is so. There is another Hand than ours shaping our life, a wiser Hand. Better things are being done for us than we can see in the meantime. And the man whose hopes and plans have turned out amiss, but whose trust is still in God, is invited by our psalm
r she can ever know. Some of the best sermons in the world have been preached by people who least suspected what they were doing. The invalid in the home does not know how real religion becomes to all who watch her patience and unselfishness. And among the busy and vigorous we often catch hints and reflections, that they never suspect, of what Christ-likeness means. The man who has surrendered his life to God, indeed, is a channel of bless
gracious thirty-fold and sixty-fold beyond what we have sown. Every morning Thou leavest gifts upon our doorstep and dost depart unthanked. But t
flax he shall
AH xl