A Hero of Ticonderoga
tle derived from the Governor of New Hampshire, had for some time been expected and resistance fully determined upon, Seth's heart was as h
out of the savage wilderness, or whether, after a sharp, brief contest, he would be left i
ttled to its place. The logs had begun to gather again the moss that they lost when they ceased to be trees. Wild vines, trained to tamer ways, clambered about the doorway and deep-set windows, beneath which beds of native and alien posies, carefully tended, alike flourished in the virgin soil. The young garden stuff was pro
g to greet him at the door, her smile
as they can, but the Yorkers'll get here first. Look a there," and, following his eyes, Ruth saw the
?" she asked, in a low, awed vo
y. There ain't a bullet or buckshot in the house," he declared, after examinin
gourd, rammed down another wad, put priming in the pan, clapped down the hammer, then mounted half way up the ladder that served as a stair, laid the gun on
pompous tone, "I sent your son to bring you t
se me to leave my affairs at the beck and
discharge of the duties of my office, to fix the bounds of land purchased by my client, Mr. Erastus Graves," bowing to the person, "of the original grantees, with patent from His Excellency the Governor, who alone has au
e original proprietors, and I have their deed, duly signed and sealed. They got their charter
fixed by royal decree at the west bank of Connecticut River, as everybody knows, and Wentworth's grants this side that limit are null and void. No doubt you have acted in good faith, bu
wered with determination. "When it comes to fo
r own head. Come, Graves; come, men, let us go about our present affairs;" adding, after some talk with Graves, "We
swered steadily: "I can't help
in the parley, now followed their employers back to the
, and turned to reassure his wife. "Don't be frightened, my gi
he awkward care of unaccustomed hands. He often stopped his employment to listen and intently scan the border of the woods. The shadows of the trees were s
ell," said Ruth at the door, looking up to the c
said Seth with a mirthless laugh
egan to wheel and caw above the spot, marking it plainly enough to
asked. "I hain't seen him all day. I wish
eat, for there's no telling when father'll be back." They were not half through the meal before he came, and, as he took his seat at the table,
you," said Ruth, as her face lighted
Martha asked, a
. Owls are turrible knowing
was crowded with them and the uninvited guests. Felton and Graves made themselves offensively and officiously at home. The cook took possession of the fire, and set two frying-pans of pork sputtering grease
your rightful possessions. Now, help
in the tin cup, grinning with satisfact