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A Hero of Ticonderoga


Word Count: 1678    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

the room. He strode into the firelight, and, wheeling on th

men. Good evening, Mr

ping mouth, the other was as motionless, save as his face

person. A very fortunate meeting." Then changing his tone of mock politeness to one of command: "You are my prisone

re the guns were set. With deliberate celerity Allen drew his hands from the skirts of his coat

r raises a gun gets a bullet through

The movement was seen in the dancing shadows, and he was covered by the other pistol, which

nd Beeman! All right!" Then Allen called in a voic


eighborhood, to the number of a dozen, came marching in, in Indian file, with rifle or smooth

er side of the room in dumb affright, save Jenkins, the cook, who, dodging this side and that of Alle

prisoner, and that the gods of the valleys are not the gods of the hills. Behold how riches take to themselves wings and fly away even before they are possessed. In witness whereof

A rioter! A defier of law!" and he poured forth a torrent of opp

ploy, I doubt, there is nothing like good round cursing to relieve an overburdened heart. Upon occasion I avail myself of the

nd make themselves strong for their journey. Dish up the pork, cook, that you have been bumping m

have none of it. The Green Mountain Boys sat apart, chatting in low tones, till the smokers were filling their pipes after

unto justice appertain. Yea, verily, for wrongs done or sought to be done upon the people of these New Hampshire Grants. We will at o

proud of the opportunity of giving his first vote, made

ded, make the

y a sullen "N

r. I have a clear majority and will take my seat.

's duly appointed Governor of New Hampshire. The said persons were ordered to desist from such unlawful business and to depart from these Grants, and were duly warned not to return for a like purpose under pain of being 'Viewed.' Furthermore, they were suffered to depart without bodily harm. Here the surveyor

han was called to relate his meeting the party in the woods, which h

usiness, as the testimony of this boy and his father shows. In further proof whereof, see the sur

aid the var

t? That they be chastised with

oudly, others faintly and hesitatingly. Then Job Carpent

hain't worth a-hevin' only for their selves, and I hate to see white men whipped like dogs. If they was Inj

h cases, and there were a few dissenting voices,

aves maintained a sullen silence, though his vengeful scowl expressed as much hatred of the prosecutors of t

tha could not bear to hear, much less to witness it, and Nathan, when an old man, said it was a horrible memory. Yet, severe as was the chastisement inflicted by the Green Mountain Boys upon their persecutors, it was no more cruel than th

pass beyond the New Hampshire Grants. He Behaving as Becometh. In witness whereof, see

is carefully in his pocket, glowering in silence upon his enemies. Then Ethan Al

reen Mountain Boys. You other men, if you come in peace and on honest business, you shall not have a hair of your heads hurt. But if you ever v

crew soon disappeared among the trees. They were accompanied some distance by the Green Mount

and, henceforth, though they suffered frequent apprehension of

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