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A Little Union Scout

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 2920    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

from the gate full of anger at all mundane things. But the only huma

vigorously; "what do you mean by going o

ter-night, Marse Cally? A little mo' an' you'd 'a' shuck my head off. I declar' ter gracious, Marse Cally, I thought I locked dat stable-door. I know I turned de key-dey

t of the lock had caught. It didn't catch, and when I went there to-night the door yiel

een mighty good ter me, an' I don't want ter m

the prominent citizen, who, on various occasions, had invited him into the store and made him presents of pipe and tobacco, and had even hinted to him that h

thought I was in a sufficiently good humor, he endeavored to ease his own curiosity on a matter that

his name. Wh

' done so funny. He ain't

more than a boy; that's the reason

me time to think the matter over. "He wuz right knock-kneed, an'

ation. Seeing that I made no reply, he went on: "You know what I think,

o," I replied. "He

laughs. "Dat's so, suh, but I tuck notice da

arry Herndon how his negro had neglected his duty. "Now, don't do dat, Marse Cally, please, suh! You know mighty w

else. First you leave the stable-door unlocked, and the

the remark had been made, but he shook his head sadly. "Ef I said dat, Marse Cally, I must 'a' been dreamin'; I wuz mighty nigh fast asleep when we started back des now, an' ef you'd 'a' lissened r

han I thought you

'bout knowin' a man fum a 'oman. Ef I didn't know de diffunce I'd turn my

if I ever find the stable-door unlocked again I'll take it for gr

ag'in," remarked Whistling Jim solemnly, "but I nev

ing some news of the fair Katherine. As the heaviest part of his work at headquarters was over, and as pretty much everything had depended on the reply to General Forrest's requisition on his superior officer-who, unfortunately, ch

in Harry's mind also, for he leaned from his horse toward me and extended his hand, uttering not a word. I gripped it with mi

re rigged out in their best, which was not very bad, considering that they had been caught between the lines with a wounded man on their hands. Another face that I had exp

cabin on the river at a critical period, and, as a result, he was compelled to go through a long and drastic illness. He was on the high road to recovery, but I thought he would never be the same handsome Ja

e owner had deserted it when the Federals took possession of Murfreesborough, leaving furniture and everything to the mercy of circumstance-the cruel circumstance that goes hand in hand with

. This arrangement would have left me very much alone, but for the thoughtfulness of Kate, who intimated that I should find very interesting company

r at once for Jane Ryder, but that fact made me no bolder. On the contrary, I felt a timidity that was almost childish; it was

said I, and began to

ok, but keeping the place with her fore-finger. "Did you

king with a friend of mine, and I just wa

e that is a custom of

asked, rath

der from room to room until t

ant not a word she said. "Does Mrs. Bl

since she has lived among people who know something of

s is Miss Jane

she replied, and though I tried hard to kee

you. I came in here with the hope, though not the ex

. He told me something of his encounter with you, and if that is the way you

m; but I was not to escape so easily. She pursued her advantage; she followed me out into the

so, madam, it is

asked. Her mood was almost exultant, though she h

says so

believe he slapped your f

he did,

l let you know; why

ma'am. Our young people are tau

ou, but I was afraid you'd run away and leave your friend." Wome

e against me, I do not think the fault is mine. Say to him that I apologize most humbly for any offence I may have given him." Jane Ryder was now sure that I did n

strange fancy," she mused; "there is no accounting for it. I believe you could prevail on him

e him above all the rest, I should be happy. But as for persuading him to desert his princ

et," pursued Jane Ryder. "He says that a young woman would be

say that I should protect a woman with my life, if need be. Back yonder there are gathered three or four thousand m

trust them,"

mouth before I could recall them. They meant more than

aid, clenching her hands i

ared. "The time may come-not soon, perhaps

replied, "my answe

but, instead of drawing away from me, she drew nearer. In another instant I should have seized her in my arms, the pale and lonely creature, but just then the sou

r, and Harry and her companion came plump upon me standing in the hallway, gazing at the door through

ade of solicitude in her voice. "Oh, I hope you haven't hurt

den I came to myself and stood there laughing very foolishly. "She ran a

eyes. "Oh, men are such simpletons!" she exclaimed; "I don't know what I shoul

uite a flutter. He had heard strange noises, and he was almost sure that he had caught a glimpse of more than one man in the darkness. We paid little enough attentio

ur horses before we discovered that we were surrounded. We heard the tramp of cavalry on a

ith an oath whacked me over the head with a sabre, my horse stumbled in the darkness, and down I went into chaos. I thought I heard someone

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