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A Little Union Scout

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2659    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y. She scampered away from me in a way to put me on my mettle, and she must have run nearly hal

tting rid of yo

spirits, and she talked away quite blithely. When we came to the door it was open, and the mother, who had been kind to me, stood there waiting. She was crying a

u done with h

moment ago before. "I knew it!" wailed the woman. "First comes you to wheedle her away, and then come your companions to search the house for her. I knew how it would be. I never kne

ood woman-

don't look like that kind of a man, b

that I'm not the man you take me for. Do you think I'd injure a hair of her head? It is you that have injured her by allowing her to masquerade as a man-a little thing like that, with nobody to advise her

continue my railing protest, Jane Ryder came through an inner door, dressed, as she should be, in the garb of her sex. Her toilette would have been complete but for

cially the chivalrous Mr. Carroll Shannon, with his straps, and his hickories, and

, "why will you worry those who l

r love by so many quaint and delicate little caresses, and had such a dainty and bewitching way about her, that no human could have held out against her. The woman's face had cleare

ake her remember who and what she is, and not permit her to g

ough I was terribly afraid for her. She had no more than got out of hearing before there came a pack of troopers, and nothing must do but th

ahead of them, carried her to General Forrest, and

Jane Ryder declared. The woman looked at me and sho

me. If you think you have done me a service you were never more mistaken in your life. You have simply destroyed my

u only for your own good," said the older w

would like to see me on my knees before him, but he'll see me de

ate expression. You owe me nothing-and if you owed

. Love her and she'll hurt you; do her a favor and she'll pretend to despise you. Her kind words are as scarce as pearls among the poor. Scarce

er than he is,"

judgment," remarked the older woman, serenely. "W

Ryder, turning to me. She was evidently weary

after, but now-to-night. The question had occurred to me a dozen times, but I had put it aside, trusting its solution to the moment when it could be no longer post

our parole for the

regarding me a

replied. "You know t

ich she had disappeared. I had known all along that if she once took the matter in her own hands I should be powerless, for she was a woman-and such a woman! I could no more hold he

tared at her. There was just the shadow of a smile hovering around her lips, and it nettled me. "She is parading as a man," I said,

hair of her head, nor give her a moment's discomfort." She made the state

ouldn't say that. I have no patience

ve said," she replied. "You have a face

she gone?"

e wonder of the world if she had gone to bed. We who love her ha

stay here you will get in trouble. The man you shot night before last has a brother, and this brother is determined to capture you. I'm telling you this because I think you are a good young man. I had a son once who, if he had lived, should b

th your permission, I shall remain here. Does

ted. "Why not go? There is the door; it is unlocked and you will still have

hing: if you hear any noise cover up yo

e of you," she said, puckering her

make of you and your daughte

ge us," and with that she was g

d out of the fire and went flitting up the chimney. The knocking was on the outer door, which was unlocked, as the woman had said, and I cried out, "Come in!" Responsive to the invitation

re. I seed two er th'ee men prowlin' roun' in de bushes ez I come 'long. Marse Cally, how come you ter leave yo' pistols in yo' saddle? You ain't been a-doin' dataway. I speck dat ar little man you had up in front er you had sump'n ter do wid it." He laughed, but I found nothing hum

lt myself to be a man. The feeling was the growth of a night, but it gave me new confidence in myself, and, coupled with it, an assurance that I had never had before, and that has

it's been sence yistiddy! I dunner wharbouts de change is, but it sho' is dar. It mought be de way you loo

work cut out for me to-night. If you want to go you are welcome to do so, and if you stay I'

life. But it's de same way 'bout leavin' you; I'm skeer'd ter leave you. I couldn't go out dat door fer ter save my life." Whistling Jim held out his long, slim hands where he could look

of the door on the mantel here, and

et, an' let it stay dar." Nevertheless, I laid it on the mantel. The negro looked at it more than once,

the room through the inner door, w

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