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A Modern Chronicle, Volume 3


Word Count: 2320    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

st have overborne the provincial traveller coming up from Ostia. And Honora, as she stood on the deck of the ferry-boat, approaching New York for the second time i

ude of vast towers seemed a fortress now, manned by Celt and Hun and, Israelite and Saxon, captained by Titans. And the strife between them

New York? A house on Fifth Avenue, as her girl friends had said when they laughingly congratulated her and begged her to remember that they came occasionally to New York. Those of us who, like Honora, believe in Providence, do not trouble ourselves with mere matters of dollars and cents. This morning, however, the

om the cabin, where he had been industriously reading the st

," he declared, and added, "when the marke

nd it difficult to ask

hesitatingly, "I suppo

e never told me whe

r home seemed to cause him amuse

y a few hours shopping

," repli

," he continued. "I'll meet you

rove in a hansom from shop to shop, felt a new sense of elation and independence. She was at one, now, with the prosperity that surrounded her: her purse no longer limited, her whims existing only to be gratified. Her reflectio

timidity and excitement and a consequent rise of colour that she followed the waiter to a table by the window. She felt as though the assembled fashionable world was staring at her, but presently gathered courage enough to gaze at the costumes of the wom

er gown. "I tried to get Lily-Mrs. Sid-for lunch, but you

er lunching alone to-day. I'm glad

he cabman, and it was not until they turned into a narrow side street, which became dingier a

"Where are you goin

n New Jersey-Rivington," he sai

y that morning. She had a sickening sensation, and the odour of his cigarette in the cab became unbearable. By an ironic trick of her memory, she recalled that she h

country!" s

's for eight dollars

More than that, he appear

m to furnish it. She's a wonder on that sort of thing, and I told her to go ahead-within reason. I talked it over

peated Honora,

window. "Who do you think I am, at my age? Frederick

ested, "why didn't you

added, and there was in his voice a note of reproach that did not escape her. "You never seemed inclined to discuss business with me, Honora. I didn't think you were interested. Dallam and I are making

er husband in that instant than at any time since their marriage. Honora, who could not

a-such a surprise. I have never lived in the country, and I'm sure it will

that quality which is loosely called good nature. In marriage, he had been told (and was ready to believe), the wind blew where it listed; and he was a wise husband who did not spend his time in inquiry as to its sources. H

nd Honora found herself wondering how many of these individuals were her future neighbours. That there might have b

d thrust into a carriage that threatened to fall to pieces on the frozen macadam road. They passed through a village in which Honora had a glimpse of the drug store and grocery and the Grand Army Hall; then came detached houses of all ages in one and two-acre plots some ab

he fished in his trousers pock

ormed a black tracery against the orange-red of the western sky. On both sides of this centre-way were concrete walks, with cross-walks from the curbs to the houses. There were six of these-three on

ticated, we shall suspect the owner of Stafford Park and his architect of a design to make it appear imposing. It was (indefinite and much-abused term) Colonial; painted white; and double, with dormer window

installed, the pictures and photograph frames and chairs, even Mr. Isham's dining-room table and Cousin Eleanor's piano. The sight of these, and of the engraving which Aun

as ready, and bringing her two letters. One was from Susan Holt, and the other, written in a

said he wished to surprise you. I am sending you this line to welcome you, and to tell you that I have arranged with the furniture people to take any or all things back that you do not like, and exchange them. A

ureau in her room. A line in Susan's letter occurred to her: "Mother hopes to see you soon. She

s gleam, and that of the electric lights; the shades were drawn; a slight odour of steam heat pervaded the place. Howard, s

a-table, "you haven't told me how you like it. Pretty cosey

entarily came near succeeding to convince herself that she could have d

convincing Howard. In certain m

leased when you saw i

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