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A Tale of the Kloster

Chapter 10 A LOVE FEAST

Word Count: 1777    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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lf, and yet it seemeth not possible to tell this tale without bringing into it much that befell me in

r however beloved he was of me he was none the less of my sex, while my dear sister was of that sex which a true

," denouncing marriage as the penitentiary of carnal man-have ever been an advocate of the beauty and superiority of the virgin life; but in my readin

sweet fragrance to me in all my long life, and in many a trial and temptation have I felt her presence near, strengthening and upholding me in the right. And however cold and indifferent I may have borne myself outwardly

ch with us was not like among the other denominations, merely symbolic, but was patterned after that of the early Christians; for we took a regular meal

vered, the Sisters on the other side not with their enveloping bonnets, but bedecked with the pretty praye

not think she saw me or in any way observed me, for she seemed rapt in ecstatic adoration, her eyes turned upward and her lips slightl

ing. Small tubs of tepid water were brought into the Saal. The Elder washed the feet of the Brethren and the eldest Sister performed the same humble service for the Sisters, each Brother and Sister after the feet were dried receiving from him or her who washed the feet, a shake of the hands and the

absorbed in them that when the Elder came to me, instead of my feet I thrust my hands down into the tub, and was about to place them on the Elder's towe

not his feet had been washed, hastily stuck them out past me into the Elder's lap just as I was placing mine own feet there. For a moment the Elder looked at us both in such solemn, puzzled disgust, that in spite of my natural gravity I a

ssel having breathed a fervent blessing on the meal we turned to it in absolute silence. And yet not in utter silence, for if ever heart spake to heart I know mine was clamoring most violently, and I verily believe hers was too, for now and then, not slyly nor shamefacedly, the sweet face opposite me would look up and the tenderest shadow of a smile would be wafted to me.

ilar to the love feasts that are still observed by our little congregation; the giving of thanks at the end of the meal, the holy kiss, when Brother kissed Brother and Sister kissed Sister. But if

hat heaven's bliss would be like it was that night. If such transcendent joy could come from sweet flesh and blood on earth, though i

sleep visited mine eyes that night brought visions of the dear sister in the form of our spiritual Eve, and when morning came I was so miserably happy, if I may so say, between the two loves I hardly knew what to do. Nor was I

nance that week before I felt myself absolved from my impious frivolity. I have often thought since then how many a time we are praised when we deserve blame and blamed when we merit praise; and indeed it hath been a rule of my life never t

hen we did come nigh each other, which was seldom, her averted gaze told me she too was struggling against our sinful love. And so day after day passed around, filled with its various duties, neither Sister Bernice nor myself giv

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