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Cabin Fever


Word Count: 3519    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

until he cut his thumb on a can of tomatoes which he had been cutting open with his knife. After that Bud kept the diary for him, jotting down the main happenings of the day. When Cash's thumb heale

ays, of course-though the

itted at Needles for the real trip, Cash set do

ete a sorrel, Ed a burro, Swayback a jinny, Maude a jack, Cora another jinny, B


gs half frozen. Made a fire in tent at 1:30 & cooked a meal. Much smoke, ripped hole in back of tent. Three burros in sight weathering fairly


cleaned up generally. Alkali flat a lake, can't cross til


Snow going fast. All creek


punchers who said road impassable. Saw 2 trains sta


ete at 6. Animals traveled well, did not appear t

way, though it took them all day long to cover as much distance as he had been wont to slide behind him in an hour. He liked it-this slow, monotonous journeying across the lean land which Cash had traversed years ago, where the stark, black pinnacles and rough knobs of rock might

and rain and snow, as Cash


an village. Bud cut his hair, did a good job. Prospector dropped into camp with fist full


lso prior killed another beside road. Feed as usual, desert weeds. Pulled grain growing side of t


er in a bush with 3 shots of Krag. Made 21 m.


e. Dressed Monte's withers with liniment greatly reducing swelling from saddle-g


th, tongue, feet & all over body. Fixed him up poor creature groaned all evening & would not eat his supper. Poor feed & wood here. Wa


r sun break. Daddy under weather from cactus experience. Papago Indian boy about 18 on fine bay


in this stony soil Bud followed trail, found them 2 mi. east of here in flat sound asleep about 3 P.M. At 6 went to flat 1/4 mi. N. of camp to tie Pete, leading Monte by


of wash to right. Bud swore it was Monte & Pete. I went to flat & found M. & P. safe. Water in sink all gone. Bud got stomach trouble

e with malformed lingers stretched stiffly to the staring blue sky. Behind where they pitched their final camp-Camp 48, Cash Markham recorded it in his diary-the hills rose. But they were as stark and barren almost as the

horse, and he was fond of Daddy who was still paying the penalty of seeking too carelessly for shade and, according to Cash's record, "getting it in his mouth, tongue, feet & all over body." Bud liked it-all except the blistering heat and the "side-winders" and other rattlers. He did not bother

ly out of a level plain, with no real mountains in sight to measure it by. Here's the diary to prove how little things cam


r. Bud dressed Daddy's back. Stock did not come in all morning, but Monte & Pete came in be


more specimens to sample. Cora comes in with a little black colt newly born. Proud as a bull pup with two tails. Monte & Pete did not come in so we went by lantern light a mile


hen. Bud got back about 1:30, being gone 6 hours. Found trail & two good ledges. Cora & colt came for water. Other burros did not.


p white rags on bushes to identify same. Found large ledge of good quartz showing fine in tests about one mile down wash. Bud d


Cora. Bud has had headache. Monte & Pete did not come in. Bud went after them & found them 4 miles a


lt came in for water & Sway & Ed from the south about 5. No Monte. Monte got in about midnight


Bud brought canned stuff. Rigged gallows for No. 2 shaft also block & tackle & pail for


black incrustation, oxide of something, but what could not determine. Could find neither silver nor copper in it. Monte & Pete came in about 1 & tied them up. Very hot. Hottest day yet, even the breeze scorching

mileage chasing after them fool burros than his auto stage could show after a full season. As for working the widow's claim, it was not worth working, from all he could judge of it. And if it were full of gold as the United States treasury, the burros took up all their time so they couldn't do much. Between doggone stock drinking or not drinking and the darn fool diary that had to be kept, Bud opined that they needed an extra hand or two. B

Then he shook down Cash's fountain pen, that dried quickly


and turned them loose but the blamed fools hung around all day and eat up some sour beans I throwed out. Cash was peeved and swore they couldn't have another grain of feed. But Monte


on't hurt him for hazing donkeys. Bill and harem come in after Cash left. They must of saw him go. Cash


ol over his garden patch. Burros did not miss their daily drink. Night brings mosquitoes w


first. Burros did not come to water. Cash and I tried to sleep on kitchen roof


w) but help keep flies and mosquitoes from chewing on us all day and all night. Training for hades. I can stand the heat as well as the old boy with the pitch-fork. Ain't got used to b


, hit Pete in side of jaw. Cut big gash. Swelled now like a punkin. Cash and I tangled over same. I'm going to quit. I have had enough of this darn co

's record


ne, & camphor balls which he seemed wanting to buy in gunny sack. No sleep for either. Burros came in f

stores. Burros came at about 3 but could not drink owing to bees around water hold. Monte got stung and kick


bite or perhaps bee. Bud wanted cigarettes but smoked last the day before he took sick. Gave him more liver pill


magines much trouble with automobile, talk very technical & can't make head or tail of it. Monte & Pete did not come in, left soon as turned loose. No feed for them here & fi

y 4

Fixed fence which M & P. broke down while tramping around. Prospected west of ranche. Found enormous ledge of black quartz, looks like sulphur stem during volcanic era but may be iron. Strong gold & heavy precipitate in test, silver test poor but on filtering showed like white of egg in tube (unusual). Clearing iron out showed for gold the highest yet made, being more pronounced with Fenosulphate than $1500 rock have seen.


or sake of timing burros when they come to waterhole. Wish to call it Columbia mine for patriotic reasons having found it on Fourth. Will settle it soon so as to put up location. Put in 2 shots & pulpel samples fo


all day cleaning & baking bread & stewing fruit which brought bees by millions so we could not eat same till after dark when they subsided. Bud got stung twice in kitchen. Very peevish & full of cuss. Says positively must make trip to Bend & get cigarettes tomorrow or will blow up whole outfit


n given me by her. Wrote letter explaining same, which Bud will mail. Bud left 4 P.M. should make Bend by midnight. Much better but still weak Burros came

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