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Charlotte Temple


Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

elder brother made completely wretched by marrying a disagreeable woman, whose fortune helped to prop the sinking dignity of the house; and he beheld his sister

e: "I will seek Content; and, if I find her in a cottage, will emb

ry where the feelings of his heart should direct him, and to confine his expenses within the limits of his income. He had a heart o

ty was frequently solicited; nor was it seldom that he sought out indigent merit, an

him one day; "and I have a great mind to give you a fin

"than to point out any way by which I ca

an angel with him, who comforts and supports him, he must long since have sunk under his misfortunes." The young man's heart was too full to pro

ral pair of dirty stairs, and pointing to a door which led to a mise

to enter by a voice melodiously soft. He opened the door, and discover

is eyes fixed on a book which lay open before him, sat an aged man in a Lieutenant's uniform, which, though threadbare, would sooner call a bl

d her hair, which was light brown, was slightly confined under a plain muslin cap, tied round with a black ribbon; a white linen gown and plain lawn handkerchief composed the remainde

hand with great cordiality, offered Temple his chair; and there being but three

t our feelings to our station. While I am not ashamed to own the cause which brought me here, why sh

from his seat, and walking toward the window, wiped off a t

pon a rose she was painting. It blotted and discoloured the flower. "'Tis emblematic," said

service to you: be so kind then, dear Sir, as to point out some way in which

ifling concern; my anxious thoughts extend to one more dear a thousand times than life: I am a poor weak old man, and must expect in a few years to sink into si

unt; for daily are my prayers offered to heaven that our lives may terminate at the same ins

ly; these passing clouds of adversity will serve only to make the sunshine of prosperity more pleasing. But we are losing time: you

iendship appear so open and disinterested, I will relate every circumstance that led to my present, painful situation. But my child," continued he,

w; to-morrow at your usua

his cheek the kiss of fil

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