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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1401    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

e ladies and to Captain Lovelock, who went off to begin, as he said, the evening. They stood, when t

t?" Gordon asked, sta

begin to play at modesty at this hour! Did n't you


you! Has your love-

d at him a momen

it a queer document-t

acteristic," said

hat the s

Even a very modest man may wince a little at hearing himself denied the distinction of a few variations from the common type. Longueville made this reflection, and it struck him, also, that h

cing his companion again, "I hav

y, my dea

ery much

tal idea," sa

iend declared, "as if I had invented i

mild simplicity which provoked

aimed, "you have, after a

ordon Wright failed to appear

for you to laugh

o cry! Seriously, solemnly, then, it is one of thes

. I had it

marry, you proceed

said Gordon Wright

r fellow, why did

at him an inst

were a good fellow, a

But excuse me; I won't laugh. I am not a clever fellow; but I am a good one." He paused a moment,

t want to be,

at a horribl

ow my wife. You don't know people when you are i

o be, slightly. And

oman I marry, as I should know any on

ppetite for knowledge; you set too high

mptly; "of course I w

of his protest, be

ries. Your passionate heart contradicts your f

repeat it agai

is arm, and th

n? You are engaged in maki

o your calling it that. My stu

that contains the precious lesson," said Longuevil

m not studying at all. I neve

perfectly have two of them-or as many as you please-up for a competitive examination. H

opped abruptly,


to name one rather than the other, and if I were to mention the wrong one, I sho

held to his idea of making h

ch of them should you think me likely to have taken a fancy to? On general groun

ank heaven, a good deal of you, I know very little of

who notices. That 's w

only to M

but a trifling one, and it was not for him, after all, to let his friend know that he had already met Miss Vivian. It was for the young girl herself, and since she had not done so-although she had the opportunity-Longueville said to himself that he was bound in honor not to speak. These reflections were very soon made, but in the midst of them our young man, thanks to a great agility of mind, found time to observ

he is very

make it out. Of course, if I am really giving my attention to o

tle puzzle. "'The exclusion of the other' has an awkward sound," he answered, as

ou think there is

ueville, "I have

"Don't guess yet-wait a few

en I presented myself, you were sitting very close to Miss Evers and talking very earnestly.

itated, and then-"I hope I have n't se

r Gordon, you are very much in love!" he

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