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An Unwilling Maid


Word Count: 2062    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

er. Count one, two, jump one; then two stitches plain; it's no use at all, Miss Bidwell, I cannot make it any better." And with a deep sigh Miss Moppet surveyed

she seemed always supplied for mending purposes; "you will have to rip this out again; the firs

Moppet in a tone of exasperation. "

oice, "I shall have to report you as a

d in his sermon Sunday week, and you know, Miss Bidwell, that

Miss Bidwell. "Child, wh

r said the devil went roaring up and down the earth seeking whom he might devour. W

ss Bidwell, looking all the more

e must become, and how much work he must have to do. O-o-oh!"-a prolonged scream-"he certainly has pos

er as she whirled past her. "How often must I tell you not to give way to su

bleeding thumb. "I think the devil ought to be prayed for if he's such an abominable sinner-yes, I do." And

godliness, but wishing to be lenient toward the child whose ado

dly, "but I am going to pray for the devil e

mpler, you had best go to Miss Pamela fo

tington," said Moppet, "and she would send me

primer. You know you promised your father you wou

ed for a kiss. When Moppet said "Biddy dear" (which was her baby abbreviation for the old servant), she became irresistible; so Miss Bidwell, much relieved at dropping so puzzling a theological

y corrected her when she chanced to omit the smallest particular. That the story had been often told did not make it lose any of its interest, and the shadows of the great elm which overhung the sitting-room windows grew

osely followed by Moppet, who said to herself, with all a child's vivid and dramatic imagination, "Perhaps it's an India

rd the sounds of approach; and as they emerged from the house two tall figures

her youngest nephew in one of the wayfarers, "whence

ar his companion, "my father is some thirty miles behind me, but hastening in this direction. What news?-F

id Miss Euphemia, as Oliver kis

risoner, Aunt Euphemia; I found him lurking in the woods ten miles away this morning, and should perhaps have let

he stranger suddenly, "to me, if not t

din of Fairfield when you gave me this blow," and he touched the left side of his head, where could be seen

other, lifting the hat which had been dr

ed into Great Pond last night and pulled me forth when I was nearly drowning, and we begged him to come home with us, di

ace as he bowed low to Betty, who came s

be well spoken on our doorstep," and Betty drew herself up, and waved her hand like the proud litt

wilderment then back at his prisoner, who

lain to my nephew how greatly we are indebted to you?" And she led the way into the mansion, the others following, and op

Betty, Moppet clinging to his hand and looking up gratefully into his face while Miss Euphemia

heart, sir, I thank you. Forgive my pettish speech of a moment since; you were right to reprove me. No one appreciates

and but for the mischance to my little friend here," smiling at Miss Moppet, who regarded him with affectionate eyes, "is an affair of little moment. May I ask where you w

t hold as a prisoner the man who saved our little Moppet's life, and

ried Moppet, flying to the young officer's si

where General Putnam will determine your ultimate fate. I certainly recognize you as the author of this cut on my head. Do you belong

ch looks upon us as invaders. My name is Geoffrey Yorke, and I have the honor to

clamation. Oliver Wol

too plain. I, sir, serve the Continental Congress, and like you hold a captain's commission. I should be false alike to my country and my oath of allegiance did I permit you

ho stood directly behind her brother. Her large, soft eyes were fixed on his with most beseeching war

on these shores but one short month ago, and Sir Henry Clinton ordered me-but these particulars will not in

ct you there, Captain Yorke, and shall see that you are well guarded for the night." And with a courtly bow to the la

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