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An Unwilling Maid


Word Count: 1617    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ch stood close by the fire, where a log burned and crackled in the big chimney-a most unusual luxury for those days, and granted only to Moppet's youth and slight delicacy of constitut

New York. I can scarce believe it possible, Sally. Oh, fa

ty's knee, and a spark of interest lighting up her dole

a soft touch of her hand. "I doubt not that Gulian, my brother-in-law, has fine qualities, else Clarissa had not been so fond of him as to leave us al

e of her eyes upward. "Miss Bidwell says mine is an unruly member, and told me a most dir

h a shudder, "that was

d Betty, laughing. "Miss Bidwell's t

er lips had never yet conquered), "and some of them are most bloody ones, I assure you. Oh, Betty, Betty, what shall I

you with me; but as I cannot, you must hasten to learn how to make better pot-hooks and write me letters, which Aunt Eup

lly knelt down beside her. "Will you help console me with my pr

with Pamela, who has proclaimed her intention of adopting me when Betty goes. And now I must be going, for it is nearly the dinner hour, and my mother says as I h

te-string slip, rose-colored, which had recently come to her from Boston; of Miss Bidwell's innumerable stockings all tucked carefully away in one corner of the hair-covered brass-nailed box, and even M

ntold length of separation from her beloved family. "I should think the hearts of the pat

sister going somewhere near Josiah's post? "I am sure Clarissa's letter which you read me bade you br

for me-oh, Miss Bidwell, if you put in another pair of stockings I sha

t. "Oh, Betty, do I live to hear you

Betty, snatching up the child in her arms. "I shall take you strai

heated by live coals, through the sheets lest her tender body suffer even a slight chill. And when Moppet was safely lodged in bed Betty sat down beside her to hold her hand until

the long, dark eyelashes worn curling downward in sleepy comfort the dark blue ey

t, "be sure you tell him how Oliver and Josiah hunted

ning a vivid pink in the

him my love-heaps of it-and I just hope he may nev

eks did not grow cool until long after the soft, regular breathi

d advice from Miss Euphemia, who, now that Betty was fairly on the wing, felt much sinking of heart over her departure. Mrs. Seymour, a pretty young matron, whose natural gayety of spirit was only subdued by the anxiety she was suffering in regard to her only brother, now a prisoner in New York (and for whose exchange s

f time I have not been able to notify my son-in-law of Betty's coming. But as you are going into the city yourself, I depend upon you to keep her with you until you can place her safely in Gulian Verplanck's ha

wn. "I thought it well to carry it about my person, as I am told that even

lly, and Miss Bidwell, all in turn, but Moppet's soft cry as she buried her face in her hands made her lip

nd her husband. Remain with them until I find safe opportunity to have you return to us; advise us often of your health

d, and as the coach rolled off she caught a parting glimpse of Miss Moppet lift

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