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Another World Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah


Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

tle ones with destruction…..Let all hearts unite in prayer, that Heaven may inspi

height far beyond any similar phenomenon in your planet, and the waters r

werful. It is the power of the sun, and not of

om the elevated continent of Mon

in continent, of which it formed part. From the point of juncture the suspended mass extends itself out horizontally in the air over cities built on the ridges, sides, and foot of the parent mountain-chain, and fa

d the present lower cities, and for many miles beyond the actual point to which the sea now recedes at low water, and that through a great electric disturbance, the upheaving seas of mighty waters rolled on

ft suspended, deprived of the support of the intermediate and nether strata, which before the uph

rizontally through the air, just as one of your largest continents stretches into

mountain having been carried away and engulfed for ever, the projecting mountain mass was left suspended not only over the land now covered by the lower cities, but for miles over the sea. Neither can be approached except by

n, and on the part of the mountain foot restored by the s

ills, presents all varieties of shape and outline, and is i

int of the suspended mountain, whence from its aerial height it falls into the sea beneath, the spray bringing refreshment to the parched atmosphere of the lower and inte

yah. The Lower city, nearer the sea-level, is distant vertically about three miles from the nearest under part of the

mountain had broken from the parent mountain arm, buryin

e been prevented, but at that time the inhabitants of Montalluyah

ould at some time recur, and perhaps the whole mountain arm would give way, hurling the upper cities to destruction, and crushing the nether cities under

use the immense mechanical and electrical powers with which the marvellous progress of science

pal departments; for it was provided by one of my laws that before any great work was undertaken these men should be consulted, and that, s

taken; a work so great in the parent thought, and so wondrous in the exe

s of electrical science, you will perhaps have difficult

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1 Chapter 1 MONTALLUYAH.2 Chapter 2 VYORA.3 Chapter 3 PERSEVERANCE.4 Chapter 4 LIGHT FROM DARKNESS.5 Chapter 5 CHARACTER-DIVERS.6 Chapter 6 CORRECTION OF FAULTS.7 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 THE STAR CITY.9 Chapter 9 THE SUSPENDED MOUNTAIN.10 Chapter 10 THE MOUNTAIN SUPPORTER.11 Chapter 11 ELECTRICITY12 Chapter 12 THE PAIN-LULLER.13 Chapter 13 THE MICROSCOPE.14 Chapter 14 PHYSICIANS.15 Chapter 15 MADNESS.16 Chapter 16 THE DEATH SOLACE.17 Chapter 17 INTERNAL CITIES.18 Chapter 18 THE FOUNDING OF THE SCHOOLS.19 Chapter 19 THE AMUSEMENT GALLERY.20 Chapter 20 MAN.21 Chapter 21 WOMAN.22 Chapter 22 MARRIED LIFE.23 Chapter 23 FLOCKS AND HERDS.24 Chapter 24 THE ALLMANYUKA.25 Chapter 25 THE STAR INSTRUMENT.26 Chapter 26 NAVIGATION.27 Chapter 27 CONSUMPTION OF THE VITALITY.28 Chapter 28 MADNESS. No.2829 Chapter 29 EXPOSITION OF THE NEW DOCTRINES.30 Chapter 30 THE REBELS.31 Chapter 31 THE MOUNTAIN SUPPORTER. No.3132 Chapter 32 INVENTION OF THE LEAF INSTRUMENT.33 Chapter 33 SUN-POWER.34 Chapter 34 THE ELECTRIC THEATRE.35 Chapter 35 INFANTS' EXERCISING MACHINES.36 Chapter 36 INSTALLATION OF CHARACTER-DIVERS.37 Chapter 37 THE VALLEY OF THE ROCKS.38 Chapter 38 THE CONSUMMATION.39 Chapter 39 WOMAN. No.3940 Chapter 40 CHOICE OF A HUSBAND.41 Chapter 41 THE DRESS OF SHAME.42 Chapter 42 COSTUMES.43 Chapter 43 PREPARATIONS FOR THE MARRIAGE.44 Chapter 44 FLOWERS.45 Chapter 45 FLOWERS IMPROVED BY ELECTRICITY.46 Chapter 46 SONG OF ADMIRATION.47 Chapter 47 SYLIFA.48 Chapter 48 THE YOUNG GIRL RESTORED.49 Chapter 49 THE LITTLE GOATHERD.50 Chapter 50 DECORATIONS FOR AGE AND MERIT.51 Chapter 51 BEAUTY.52 Chapter 52 INFANTS' EXERCISE-MACHINES.53 Chapter 53 GYMNASTICS.54 Chapter 54 THE AMUSEMENT GALLERY. No.5455 Chapter 55 PRAYER.56 Chapter 56 FLOCKS AND HERDS. No.5657 Chapter 57 THE ALLMANYUKA. No.5758 Chapter 58 PAPER.59 Chapter 59 CONSUMPTION.60 Chapter 60 THE HARP.61 Chapter 61 SOCIAL INTERCOURSE.62 Chapter 62 THEATRES.63 Chapter 63 SHIPS.64 Chapter 64 PICTURES FROM WATER.65 Chapter 65 THE HIPPOPOTAMUS.66 Chapter 66 WILD ANIMALS.67 Chapter 67 THE SUN.