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Devil's Ford

Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 3231    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

were conscious of a change in the landscape, which they could not entirely charge upon their changed feelings. The few bared open spaces on the upland, the long stretch of rocky ridge near the summ

nvaded the close-set ranks of pines, and had blown a simoom breath through the densest woods, leaving its charred red ashes on every leaf and spray along the tunnelled shade. As they leaned out of th

ants? Four months ago they had left the straggling street thronged with busy citizens-groups at every corner, and a chaos of merchandise and traders in the open plaza or square beside the Presbyterian church. Now all was changed. Only a few wayfarers lifted their heads lazily as the coach rattled by, crossing the deserted square littered with empty boxes,

arations, met them at the stage office with a buggy. A glance at the young girls, perhaps, convinced him that the graces of elegant worldly conversation were o

and rose-bushes on the trellises; water-that precious element in Devil's Ford-had not been spared in keeping green through the long drought the plants which the girls had so tenderly nur

s is settled," said Dick; "there's a heap o' tramps and sich cattle trapsin' round. P'raps yo

Christie quickly; "I remember

ere's any one ez knows how to come square down to the bottom rock without flinchin', it's your high-toned, fash'nable gals. But I must meander back to town, and let the boys know

their father, telling him that on learning the truth about the reverses of Devil's Ford, they thought it their duty to return and share them with others, without obliging

lone; and then together we must come to some understanding with him-w

at they had arrived, and, for some reason, suddenly departed. The vague fear that had haunted his guilty soul after receiving their letter, and during his breathless journey, n

eet you," he said; "you must hav

ers quickly, to know the reason of their foolish alarm, and

d, that has been put up ready to rece

they not here?" demanded Carr, hiding hi

re until the sheriff took possession? No one knows better than yourself that

recovered himself

ow that this claim will ever be pressed for payment?

," said Fairfax hopelessly. "She was here to l

aid Carr

expected to make to you only when I came to ask permission to woo your daughter Jessie; and when I tell you

aid Carr i

like me; she ruined me, and left me. That was four years ago. I love your daughter, Mr. Carr, but she has never heard it from m

d Carr furiousl

om his pocket the packet of letters Jessie h

ou mean?"

e woman who advanced you mone

ed that Fairfax Munroe had asked for the hand of Jessie Carr, and that some promise contingent upon the equitable adjustment of the affairs of the mine had been given by Mr. Carr. To the superstitious mind of Devil's Ford and its few remaining locators, this new partnership seemed to promise that unity of interest and stability of fortune that Devil's Ford had lacked. But nothing could be done unti

ame with bright flashes of sunlight by day, with deep, monotonous shadow at night; with the onset of heavy winds, the roar of turbulent woods, the tumultuous tossing of leafy arms, and with what seemed the silent dissolution of the whole landscape in days of steady and uninterrupted downfall. It came extravagantly, for every canyon had grown into a torrent, every gulch a waterspout, every watercourse a river, an

ners, who hurried along the slope that was now the bank of the river. Suddenly Christie felt her

Kearney?" he as

ieving the excitement had turned her father's brain

ly; "he has been here ever since the high wa

" Christie co

he is trying to do is madness. If you see him, implore him to do no more. Let him abandon the accursed flume to its

t track of the crowd, until the voices suddenly were raised in one loud outcry, followed by the crashing of timber, the splashing of water, a silence, and then a dull, continuous roar. She ran vaguely on in the direction of the reservoir, with her father's injunction still in her mind, until a terrible idea displaced it, and she turned at

through the half-finished ditch and partly excavated mine in its way, a few rods further on to join the old familiar channel. The bank of the river was changed; the flat had become an island, between which and the slope where she stood the North Fork was rolling its res

e sank to rise no more; but this time she felt herself seized by

ed, gazing at the water

u know what has happe

e river," said Christie hurriedly.

he answere

ge Ke

tly. "But, do you see, Christi

tremulous hand to th

e ruined," said

ltering the slope which was the old bend of the river. It will do in ten minutes the work that would take us a year. If we can stop it

that the same idea had occurred to them, and they were risking their lives in the attempt to set free the impediments. Shocked and indignant as Christie had been at the degrading absorption of material interests at such a moment, the element of danger lifted the labors of these men into heroism, and she began to feel a strange exulta

inevitably be carried away with the tossing debris. But this consideration did not seem to affect him; the last blow was struck, and as the freed timbers rolled on, over and over, he boldly plunged into the flood. Christie gave a little cry-her heart had bounded with him; it seemed as if his plunge had splashed the water in her eyes. He did not come to the surface until he had passed the point below where her father stood, and then struggling feebly, as if st


turned on one side; the current, striking him sideways, threw him towards the bank, and she caught him by his sleeve. For an instant it seemed as if she would be dragged down with him. For one dangerous moment she did not care, and alm

to me! Only one word! Te

of the old days came to them-a


air. They were alone. There was but one way of

'it ain't what you SAY to a fash'nable, high-toned young lady; it's what you DOES ez makes or breaks you.' And that's what I sez gin'rally o' things in the Ford. It

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