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Devil's Ford

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 4308    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

as generally attributed to differences between himself and his partners on the question of further outlay of their earnings on mini

own responsibility. The partners themselves were uncommunicative; even Whiskey Dick, who since his remarkable social elevation had become less oracular, much to his own astonishment, contributed noth

ad permitted a disruption of their social intimacy, brought such an ominous and frigid opposition, not only from Christie, but even the frivolous Jessie herself, that Carr sank back in a crushed and terri

rt," said Jessie, stoutly, "and he only comes her

cularity that did not, however, disguise an irritated suspiciousness. "He re

bservant eye as her father's speech, "you promised to let this ridiculous discussion drop. You will make me and Christie so nervous that we will not dare to open the door to a visitor, until

Carr, reddening; "is that the kind

quite agree with you, and DOES come her

nored these discussions, waited unti

ll see Mr. Munroe, after what you sa

ged to pause on the threshold of the door, with a pretty assumpt

when?" she a

ay-in the woods-went away," s

just gloved your hand with kisses, and then fle

proachful calmness, that did not, however, prevent a suspic

meant for ME," i

then we agreed that it was better to prevent any further advances

ing Fairfax occasionally now with that sort of thing. HE doesn't k

r," suggested the tr

an omino

e?" said Jessie choking, but moving tow

about the washing," said Christie, with suppres

y deliberately turned again, and, facing each other with frightful calmness, left the room by purposeless and deliberate exits

ual to half the amount expended. It was true that some land was cultivated on the further slope, some mills erected and lumber furnished from the inexhaustible forest; but the consumers were the inhabitants themselves, who paid for their produce in borrowed capital or unlimited credit. It was never discovered that while all roads led to Devil's Ford, Devil's Ford led to nowhere. The difficulties overcome in getting things into th

assay and analysis. It was believed that this would establish the fact of the permanent richness of the drifts, and not only justify past expenditure, but a renewed outlay of credit and capital. The suspension of engineering work gave Mr. Carr an opportunity to visit San Francisco on general business of the mine, which could not, however, prevent him from arranging further combinations with

rief solace afforded them by the modiste and dressmaker was past, there seemed little else to be gained. They missed at first, I fear, the chivalrous and loyal devotion that had only amused them at Devil's Ford, and were the more inclined, I think, to distrust the conscious and more civilized gallantry of the better dressed and more carefully presented men they met. For it must be admitted that, for obvious reasons, their criticisms were at first confined to the sex they h

ate houses around them-but the double cabin under the trees, which now seemed to them almost aristocratic in its grave simplicity and abstention. In the mysterious forests of masts that thronged the city's quays they recalled the straight shafts of the pines on Devil's slopes, only to miss the sedate repose and infinite calm that used to environ them. In the feverish, pulsating

ounty servant girl in Sacramento who had never seen a steamboat before; do you know, I quite had a t

d speak to him?" said Ch

d not come up and speak to ME! I wonder if we got any fever or

, and again stood in the weird brilliancy of that moonlight night in mute worship at the foot of that slowly-rising mystic altar of piled terraces, hanging forests, and lifted plateaus that climbed forever to the lonely skies. Again she felt before her the expanding and opening arms of the protecting woods. Had they really closed upon her in some pantheistic embrace that made her a part of them? Had she been baptized in that moonlight as a child of the great forest?

ith a gallantry that appeared to be forced and a pleasure that to their critical eyes was certainly apocryphal. He did not drag his daughters into the mixed society of that period; he did not press upon them the company of those he most frequented, and whose accepted position in that little world of fashion was considered equal to their own. When Jessie strongly objected to the pronounced manners of a certain widow, whose actual present wealth and pecuniary influence condoned for a more uncertain prehistoric past, Mr. Carr did not urge a further acquaintance. "As long as you're not thinking of marrying again, papa," Jessie had said finally, "I don't see the necessity of our knowing her." "But suppose I were," had replied Mr. Carr

ers in the family of a wealthy friend until he should return for them. He opposed their ready suggestion to return to Devil's

" he said curtly. "Enjoy you

nt out more; they frequented concerts and parties; they accepted, with their host and his family, an invitation to one of those opulent and barbaric entertainments with which a noted San Francisco millionaire distracted his rare moments of

d to be abnormally fastidious and refined. Christie's escort was a good-natured young banker, shrewd enough to avoid demonstrative attentions, and lucky enough to interest her during the ride with his clear and half-humorous reflections on some of the business speculations of the day. If his ideas were occasionally too clever, and not always consistent with a high sense of honor, she was none the less interested to know the ethics of that world of speculation into which her father had plunge

n led them to prolong their ride beyond the proposed limit, and it be

d those fellows know every trail that a horse can follow. I'll ride on, intercept him, and try my Spanish on him. If I miss

tercept one of the deviating fugitives, permitted Christie's escort to dash past him before that gentleman could rein in his excited steed. This brought the vaquero directly in her path. Perceiving her, he threw his horse back on its haunches, to prevent a collision. Chr

His eyes, which had suddenly sparkled with an electrical glow, sank befo

How strange!-but how gla

trembled, and her little hand

, as if suddenly awakening to the reality of the situation, he glanced at her hur

s her mind. There was no time to lose. The banker had already gained control over his horse, and was approaching them, all unconscious of the

ith me a little

pon her. She met it clearly and ste

want to speak to you. Jessie and I are here alone.

d to the astonished you

ide back as quickly as you can, and tell Jessie t

the fastidious Miss Carr tete-a-tete with a common Mexican vaquero,

the shortest way, a


house. Quick! before t

They presently struck into a trail that soon diverge

ince's, by two miles," he sa

e same. They were safe from intrusion at the present, even if the others had found the short cut. Christie,

d her hors

tter wait for them

t raised his

ently, passing his hand along his mustang's velve

eeting you here. I'm quite bewildered. You are living here; you have f


o ranche. I'm only a hired man on somebod

ishment and-something else. His brow clea

everything since I saw you last. But as I know how to r

in-in the mines?" s

w. I've been foolish on my own account solely. You know I'm rather inclined to

g of business, but I know there has been trouble about the mine at Devil's Ford. Tell me honestly, has my father anything to do with it? If I thought that through any imprudence of his, you had suffe

his face, which never concealed anything, passed,

me that your father wasn't the brightest and best of his kind-too wi

nded to say, there was nothing left for her but to rush upon what she

as she spoke. "When you spoke to me the day you left, you must have thought me hard and cruel.

ie!" echo


d George, drawin

n had you talked to her of me," added Christie hu

an imperceptible movement of his wrist and foot had glued his hor

on," she sug

ss Carr. I must go back to the work I am hired to do, and you must go on with your party, whom I hear coming. But when we part he

advanced her own. He took it, but did not raise it to his lips. And it was she who foun

for deserting us as you have deser

ge smile, and said, "Yes," wheeled his

hite and indignant. Yet she was so self-possessed when the party joined her, that the singular rencontre and her ex

isfied now that it

," said Chr

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