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Atlantis, The Antediluvian World


Word Count: 3076    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ce characteristics, such as height, color of the hair, eyes and skin, and the formation of the skull and body ge

icans, Irish, Germans, Scandinavians, Africans, all speak the English language, and by the test of language they are al

ed inhabitants of the Mediterranean coast, only a shade lighter than the Berbers, or Moors, on the opposite side of that sea. Tacitus spoke of the "Black Celts," and the term, so far as complexion goes, might not inappropriately be applied to some of the Italians, Spaniards, and Portu

rica we find that the p

and of the same hue fro

a gros

the Physical History of Mankind,

nations of the old continent; there are among them white races with a florid complexion, and tribes b

"North Americans of

llers. While it is true that hybridy has done much to lighten the color of many of the tribes, still the peculiarity of the complexion of this people has been marked since the first time a European encountered them. Almost every shade, from the ash-color of the Menominees through the cinnamon-red, copper,

7 of vol. iii. of "U.

o the Pacific Oc

good-looking. They claim to be full-blooded Zunians, and have no tradition of intermarriage with any foreign race. The circu


xion, relatively light. Among the black races of tropical regions we find, generally, some light-colored tribes interspersed. These sometimes have light hair and blue eyes

he Indians of Pennsylv


much more of the white, and the noses of several of them have as much of the Roman.... For their original, I am ready to believe them to be of the Jewish race-I mean of the stock of the ten tribes-and that for the following reasons: first, in the next place, I find them to be of the like countenance, and their children of so lively a resemblance that a man

, etc., gives us some curious information. We have already seen that the Mandans preserved

ry and proportion of feature; with hazel, with gray, and with blue eyes; with mildness and sweetness of expression and excessive modesty of demeanor, which render them exceedingly pleasing and beautiful. Why this diversity of complexion I cannot tell, nor can they themselves account for it. Their traditions, so far as I can learn them, afford us no information of their having had any knowledge of white men

a bright silvery-gray, and in some instances almost perfectly white. This unaccountable phenomenon is not the result of disease or habit, but it is unquestionably an hereditary characteristic which runs in families, and indicates no inequality in disp

ary size of man, with beautiful symmetry of form and

in complexion: one of the figures is painted almost p


ak of 1862, says (MS. "Hist. of Dakotas," Library, Historical Society, Minnesota, p. 47), after calling attention

dition of the individual. It may be set down, however, as a shade lighter than olive; yet it becomes still lighter by change of condition or mode of life, and nearly vanishes, even in the child, under constant ablutions and avoiding of exposure. Those children in the Mission at Hazlewood, who are taken very young, and not allowed to expose themselves, lose

having an olive-brown complexion, with regular features, large heads, and a thoughtful and

ous examples of hair found in their tombs, to have been an auburn-haired race." Garcilasso, who had an opportunity of seeing the body of the king, Viracocha, describes the hair of that monarch as snow-white. Haywood tells us of the discovery, at the beginning of this century, of thr


e and on pages 187 and 191, taken from the "Report of the U. S. Survey for a Route for a Pacific Railroad," present features very much lik


more like the hunting Indians of North-western America than any of the preceding faces. In fact, if it was dressed


ADaMaH, "something out of which vegetation was made to germinate," to wit, the earth. D?M and DOM signifies red, ruddy, bay-col

ces, one red, ruddy, the other black." (Ibid

red. The Wisdom of Solomon refers to this custom: "The carpenter carved it elegantly, and formed it by the skill of his understanding, and fashioned it

and red was the religious color. (Lynd's MS. "

f the Atlantean stock, took their name from t

prefix of the Himyaritic Arabians, also means red, an

red men; the yellow men they called "Namu"-it included the Asiatic races; the black men were called "Nahsu," and the white men "Tamhu." The following

stinction of the color of their skin, that they represented themselves on the

scrit (varna) means caste. The red men, according to the Mahabharata, were the Kshatriyas-the warrior caste-who were afterward engaged in a fierce contest with the whites-the Brahmans-and were nearly exterminated, although some o


casus into one body, and designates them as "dark whites." The Himyarite Arabs, as I have shown, derived their name originally from their red color, and they were constantly depicted on the Egyptian monuments as red or light brown. Herodotus tells us that there was a nation of Libyans, called the Maxyans, who claimed descent from the people of Troy (the walls of Troy, we shall see, were built by Poseidon; that is to say, Troy was an Atlantean colony). These Maxyans painted their whole bodies red. The Zavecians, the ancestors of the Zuava

lled by the ancien

ru, Brazil, Chickasaws, Comanches, etc., were dressed alike, or undressed and unshaven, the most skilful anato

resemble the Canary Islanders. L'Abbé Brasseur de Bourbourg imagined himself surrounded by Arabs when all his Indians of Rabinal were around him; for they had, he said, their complexion, features, and beard. Pierre Martyr speaks of the Indians of the Parian Gulf as having

entire population of Europe and the south shore of the Mediterranean is a mongrel race-a combination, in varying proportions, of a dark-brown or red race with a white race; the characteristics of the different nations depending upon the proportions in which the dark and light races are mingled, for peculiar mental and moral characteristics go with these complexions. The red-haired people are a distinct variety of the white stock; there were once whol

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