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Word Count: 2714    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e's up to something," sa

?" Wilfred look

First of all-look how red she is all the

rotten ideas about nothing at all. Just because Cecilia's got a bit

rted his sister hotly. "You just listen, and see if I've got ro

e has? That

ipped in. And there was one of her great big trunks, that she always keeps in the box room, half-packed with her t

fred with an appreciative

as lightning. She did come, too, in an awful hurry, and locked up the room-I only got

n't see muc

hance of looking into her room this

ox-room," said Wilf

nd looked. And her other t

I bet she'd just pus

bed-you know she's only got a little stretcher-bed. And I tell y

d she r

ewhere w

let h

no governess we ever had did half the things Mater makes Cecilia do to help in the house. Why she's like an extra servant,

ter watch out. When do you reckon she'd go? Pe

night. She might have sent her boxes away yesterday by a carrier-I bet that horrid little Eliza

e catch her!" said Wilfred with glee


you think Cecilia would ever be likely to run away?' And he just stared at me, and t

. "After dark's the most likely time, I suppose, but we'd bette

ever noticed," said Avice, in sudden alarm. "She said we w

ee," said Wilf

om he caught A

," he said. "We'll s

looking-glass, pinning on her hat. A small parcel lay upon her bed, with her gloves and parasol. The children

he demanded. "How dare

said Avice. "We finished our Fren

ilia. "I'll set you more w

re are y

do with you. Come dow

irmly by the arm. Togeth

out in lesson time. I belie

in each of Cecil

rors!" she said angrily. She caught

Wilfred doggedly. He pushed her b

y rooms ordinarily little used. It was not the first time that Cecilia had been bolted into her room by her step-brother. When first she came, it had been a favourite pastime

me for her to leave the house. Bob would be waiting for her in Bond Street, impatiently scanning

are you, Wilfred?

aughed di

know it-e

hat d'you think Mater'd say

rolling her voice with difficu

a whispered consultat

l" rather than use any ready untruth that would have shielded her from their mother's wrath. Avice and Wilfred had no such scruples on their own account: but they knew that they could depend upon Cecilia's word. They were, in

he been so tempted. Perhaps because the te

ind. But look here-if you will let me

sped. Wilfred, indeed, would have shot back the b

get a new governess-and we'll make Mater give us each ten shil

ed looked at

Tell him to come at once. I'll watch here, in case Eliza lets her o

n the head of the stairs, close to the bolted door; and when Cecilia spoke again

ne for the Pater-he'll be here presently.

don't know how important it is-let me o

ur little game," said Avi

ce appeared at the foot

ice? Anyfink wrong

ely. "I'm looking after her." But Cecili

liza!" sh

tairs uncertainly. Avi

ter'll be home directly, and till he comes, no one's going up these stair

h there was little doubt as to who would win. She turned in silence, cowed, and went down to the kitchen, while Avice sang a triumphant song, partly as a chant of victory, and partly to make sure that no one would hear th

a poured out a fran

ed cat! An' Master Wilfred gorn to fetch the Master!

k her hea

avin' a rough-an'-tumble with the daughter of the 'ouse on the hattic stairs. You bett

he trunks off if she can't

es 'ome an' finds us scruffin' 'is daughter, 'e'll 'and us both over to the police for assault-an' then you'l

home and had ra

et him?" A

age that he was to come home at

ok here, Wilf-I believe Bob may come. You go and be near th

I say if

at, he'll hurry back to wherever they were to m

per, with an eye wary for Eliza. Half an hour passed tediously, while upstair

en afraid of Bob. He quailed inwardly, for never had he seen his half-br

's Cec

t," said


to mee

e tell

e-how'd I know

for she wouldn't t

emaining courage was due to the fact that he had prudently kept t

ow a shrill voice

believe 'im. They got Miss '

t door, Wilfred, or I'll make it hot for you." He thrust a foot in

id. "You're not g

door. The chain was old and the links eaten with rust-it snapped like a carrot, and the


en't co

up, holding her across his shoulder, while she beat and clawed unavailingly at hi

k they had go

a moment speechless. Then she lifted he

, Bob. They've

"Well, not a regiment of papas should

red up her th

and made for the door, having the pleasure, as he shot the bolt, of hearing precisely what th

his arm round Cecilia and held her closely as they went downstairs, his face full of the joy of battl

et a better-I'll tell my lawyer to see to that. He'll write to you-by the wa

as Bob pulled her hand through his arm and hurried her along, her self-control returned, and the fa

come?" he asked. "Y

ld get there first," Cecilia answered. "S

nly the beginnin

nd Cecilia did not see him. He looked at them for a moment, as if reading the meaning of the two happy faces-and then shrank back into an alley and remained hi

"Out of gaol, are you-poor little prisoner! Well, good luck to

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