Barrington, as they sat in conclave t
ly folding it, like one trying to gain time before she spoke: "He's a clev
osal, Dinah,-
cter. A certain gravity of demeanor would not be undesirable, perhaps, in a husband for Josephine, wh
igh well the chances of his fitness to secure her happiness that he pleads; h
come to the plain question before us. So far as I understand him, his position is this: 'If I satisfy you that my
erself if, in that disparity of years, there exists that disparity of tastes and temper which would indispose her to regard me as one to whom she would intru
? What is his station independently of his military rank
nd myself till to-day in a po
f. With you alone the matter, perhaps, would not present much difficulty to him, but I intend that Mr. Witherin
h, that this gentleman is,
to bear in mind is, that he
on the reserve that should be maintained t
, seldom scruple about cutting a guest's head off when he passes the threshold; theref
o more put a gentleman under my roof to the question as to his father and mot
tates in your country, and if it could be restored to you to-morrow, the same imbe
g, I suppose,
isite without a legal adviser. Perhaps, were I to be so accompanied, Maj
intly at the dry jes
ess and persistence. I have listened to some edifying homilies from your friend Withering on female incredulity and so forth,-reproaches which will cease to apply when men shall condescend to treat us as creatures acc
, too," said Barrington, but in a tone
r a few inches, and peeped inside. "I want to show yo
ton. "I only wish you had arrived a li
d, but said twelve might possibly be taken, and twelve would be, I imagine, his limit, since he held to this amount in all our conversation afterwards. He appears to be a man of strange and eccentric habits, and these will probably be deemed a sufficient excuse for the singular turn our interview took towards its conclusion. I was speaking of Mr. Barrington's wish for the insertion in the deed of a definite period for redemption, and he stopped me hastily with, "What if we cou
uch an insult,-such an outrage as this? Go on, sir," said she, turning to W
, and hopes that I will only use his communication for my own guidance, and not permit it in any case t
aid she, angrily. "I wish, however, I were a man for a couple of hours,
that he holds us more cheap
en able to shake off the flattery of being chosen by the most nefarious rasc
your client," said she
for him. I read you Kinshela's note because I thought you were buil
looked forward to the day-and not a very distant day did he deem it-when he
eyes, as his sister's words sunk into his heart. "I declare,
r proposal of the same kind when you knocked. Read that letter. It is from a more adroit courtier than the other,
another guess sort of man, and a
favorite of yours," said
erests without any exaggerated notions of human perfectibility or the opposite, who recognize plenty of good and no small share of
egotism, sir," said she, warmly; "but I feel proud to
ortunate enough to number Miss Dinah
e I had against him before we met has b
ver, to call it a prejudic
but prejudice is only anot
hics we 'll forget all about t
ring, "that if we talk of mor
d I like his letter
one and the other
old a brief on either sid
the choice were open to you, it wo
ting 'to hang him,' it ought to make us very lenient in our construction of a letter. Now, so far as I can see in this one before us, he ne
t sight, though he has never
ything practical when you two stand up toget
er of an hour in your study. Find out who he is; I don't expect you to learn w
g, "all that is very busi
added she. "We take soundings,
ypified. Besides this, here is a man who, out of pure good nature and respect for poor George's memory, has been doing us most important services, written letters innumer
little tact, Barringto
have no more notion of getting at anything by
mble into the truth, though you'd never pick your way in
mind that he is a neighbor of some twenty years'
hat shall satisfy my consc
ines. Indeed, so hurried was the action, that it looked far more like one of t
d she, showing the
ing of the mouth being the only sign his face presented
it, Dinah?"
ther," said she, taking
act his epistle of this morning's date, she will place it in the hands
you will no
y name is Din