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Baseball Joe on the Giants


Word Count: 1596    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and as his way led past the Bilkins home he met Bilkins

's hand and almost wru

d. "We were all so worked up that I didn't thank you half as much as I ought to

sterday?" asked Joe, hoping to chan

aky and weepy yet, but that's not to be wondered at when you think of what

dly saw how he could, and he followed Bilkins i

hurried forwa

you did for us yesterday. I was so excited at getting my baby back that I couldn't think of anything else at the

Joe, who had the masculine dread of a s

spree, and he was as good as a kitten while the lunatic had hold of him. But the minute I grabbed

uffy little bunch from the cradle and showed him to his deliverer. The baby cooe

scal," he said sternly, but the baby only c

eady," smiled Mrs. Bilkins. "If h

putting a hoodoo on the li

ey urged Joe to stay to lunch, he excused himself on the plea

ly gone a block when he was hailed by Dick Talbot, the moving picture opera

ng him on the shoulder. "I haven't seen y

e had a strong feeling of friendship for that exub

ving all right

in this old bu

e answer. "You know it's

ng at all, except chasing crazy men and saving kidnapped babies

ed good-n

ppens," he said. "You've got the nose of a

thing else. They say that a prophet is not without honor save in his own co

oving picture! I'd have given my eyes to have a crack at it. Wild-eyed madman, holding baby above his head; frightened mob in the yard below; handsome

ar too much out of it. As for your moving picture stuff, I've got someth

wered Dick. "Get it off

a picture of my curv

ill, if we can show a bullet in motion, I guess we can t

explained Joe, "who says it i

d Dick. "Are there such fossils still left in the wor

ve some balls yesterday. He admits that it seems to cu

th their eyesight and ought to see an oculist. Your professor reminds me of the wise Englishman who wrote a book to prove

nd I know that he's wrong. But

xercise of his profession, and this had developed his natural ingenuity to the point

the box exactly in a line with both of them. Between the two poles we'll stretch a sheet of white paper. You throw the ball so that it goes to the right of the first pole then turns and brea

l do the trick all right. Whe

p for today or tomorrow, but if you'll have the thing rigged up by day

o a dot. Suppose we say two o'clock

; and with a final handclasp they separated,

all and hung his hat and coat on the rack, "but it seems to me that I've met the whole po

r bosom swelling with maternal pride. "I thought it would be that way, so I got di

rm around his mother's waist he went into the dining room. "Hello, w

hat came for you a

ng he forgot to put into the first one. If I keep on getting telegram

e could not believe his eyes. Then with a whoop he threw it from him, and catch

elf at last, breath

, "what on earth is the matter

though it wouldn't be surprising if I had

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