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Betty Wales Senior


Word Count: 3905    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

oned in psych.," announced Bob Parker, bouncing

tragic. "Does that mean that she

rfect Gobbo, young or old, and a stunning Gratiano. W

come this way," said Betty sadly. "Besides-oh, Bob,

over-any small-deficiencies, and all that sort of talk. And this just shows, she says, how well they do know her. She's awfully plucky about it, but she cares. I didn't suppose Ted had it in her to care so about anything," declare

try for, Bob?" asked

n the grateful committee won't forget to throw you a crumb when they get to passing out the 'supers.'" Bob paused and her air of unconcern dr

. "I'm sure you'll make love beautifully. D

thing, though of course she isn't goose enough to say so. If Kate Denise gets Portia, as everybody seems to think she will, it will be quite like

're going to say," laughed Betty,

think Jean's counting on you to

Betty in bewilder

en that you are on the all-powerful play-committee, and that you five and Miss

can't see why Jean should expect

expects me to do it for her. Can't you honestly t

ra-cordial lately," she said, "but she hasn't done anything in particular-oh, Bob, I kn

her, how hard she had talked you up beforehand, and so on,-all about her great and momentous efforts in your behalf. I told her that Miss Ferris said once that you had a perfect command of the art of dress and that every one knew you planned the costumes for the Belden play and for the Dram

she expects me to work for her, no matter whether or not I thin

er says anything to you directly. She'll just drop judicious hints in the ears of your

e you don't! The parts in the play ought to go to the ones who can do them

clared Bob loyally. "I only thought I'd tell you about Jean so that, if she should say anythi


ia's coun

eeping on the stairs, dropped her dust-pan with a clatt

my acting of Bassanio ever got,

knocked on the door. Roberta was wrapped up in a fuzzy red bath-robe, a brown s

notebooks out of the easy-chair and tucking Roberta in with a green and

back in a minute. I've lost my wedding-pin-Miss Hale's wedding-pi

ge since Christmas, and the girls were beginning to hope that the mysterious thief had been discouraged b

ame and we went off to walk. I left the pin right on my dressing-table and now it's gone. But the queerest part is that Georgia Ames was in my room almost all the time, because hers wa

h the halls, until you don't think anything about it. Have you looked on the floor and in all your drawe

d Roberta with finality. "You know I haven

Roberta's belongings were all as trim and tail

berta, pulling the pink shawl closer, "and-I got my feet wet. My throat's

afghan and trailed her other draperies swiftly to the window

all right by to-morrow, and anyway it's only the Portia and Shylock tr

ped Robert

ll together. "Then I'll ask Barbara Gordon to give you a separate trial later," she said kindly. "Nothing will be really decided to-m

the tears. "I'll try for something else if I get well in time. I'm going to bed now. Will you please ask Annie to bring up my

erself to conduct another search for the missing pin. She had just succeeded in dismissing Ted, Jean and

nnected with trying for parts in the play, please don't divul

't bother you about trying for a part. I should just love to act, but I can't and I know it. I only wanted to borro

in to meet Miss Carter, whose shyness and silence melted rapidly before Betty's tactf

ccount of her efforts to learn to play basket-ball, "because Miss Ad

re you came here?" asked Be

Canada. The sisters would have been horribly shocked at the idea of

convent where you got the beautiful French accent that mademoiselle rave

so ugly that I'm always glad not to be remembered or noticed. But I didn't mean to say so, a

did sometimes condescend so far, and she wen

id Madeline. "She's our kind if she can only

st interview with Miss Carter. "We mustn't ask her to join until most of us have been

week," and she skipped gaily off to dress for dinner. After all there were plenty of things

y inquired the next evening of the green lizard

aged in conversation in the lower hall of the Belden House until Betty appeared, having waited until the very last minute in the vain hope of avoiding Jean. But when they opened the door there was Barbara Gordon, also boun

her worriment, Jean

s," Betty told the green lizard, the only confidant to

iss Kingston considered very talented. But Emily was theatrical, except in funny parts, Christy was lifeless, and Kitty Lacy had not taken the trouble to learn the lines properly and broke do

ly, when the fifteen aspiring Shylocks had played their parts and the committee were comparing op

a rather lugubrious individual, who had been put on the committee because she was a

he doesn't seem to take criticism very kindly. But it's too soon to judge of that. At

nxiously. Barbara knew Jean well and the prospect of managing the play with her cap

"I think we ought to have made sure of a good Shylock before we voted to give this play. It will be perfect

reed Miss Kingston. "But it's much too early

ra, dismally. "Surely every possible a

y, glancing at the doleful faces of her fellow-worker

nior plays at Harding, haven't there? And hasn't each

itted Miss Kingston, smiling at Betty's eagerness

n safely go on thinking that our play will be still better. 19- is the bigge

erhaps she was of some use on the committee even if she couldn't understand all Clara's easy references to gloss

ed the subject of Shylock in order to hear what the impatient Portias had to say. They did so well, and there was such a lively discussion about the respective merits of Kate Denise, Babbie Hildreth and Nita Reese that the

n the hall table addressed in Tom Alison's sprawling h

surer not to disappoint me. Alice Waite is coming with Dick Grayson, and some of t

ideal, and he's crazy to see what the visible part of her is like. I think he meditates asking her to the prom, and making a sen

ield had promised to get her-Lucile was business manager of the mandolin club this year. Betty had intended to invite Alice Waite and two Win

explained her project. "I was going to stand up

cited for once. Don't you know the difference between going stand-up with a

o in the box? But you see, Caroline, if you are only a namesake of Madeline Ayres's deceased doub

rom me, Georgia," said Betty laughingl

aid Georg

ore the Livy exam. She mended stockings all the evening and then she

be quite comfortable,

s so sleepy that she couldn't stand it any longer. So she tumb

minutes," laughed Betty, "but I'll take you to the

nd of the table with an account

e. "That first floor room of theirs is a regular rendezvous for all the freshm


there a good deal, and she camps down in Lou Waterson's room, afternoons, be

tely spoiled," said Nita Reese. "Just to think

bout her, which they promptly retailed for her benefit, and then sent her flowers as a tribute to her good luck and a recognition of the amusement she added to the dull routine of life at Harding. Seniors who had been duped by the phantom Georgia asked her to Sunday dinner and introduced her to their friends, who did likewise. Foolish girls wanted her autograph, clever ones demanded to know her sensations at finding hers

ame up, "she's absolutely unique. If the other Georgia ha

in what fundamental way she was different it was difficult to say. Indeed now that the "Merry Hearts" came to kno

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