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Betty Wales Senior


Word Count: 4443    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d it, and now I'm almost sure I s

n taking life easily. "She lost her head last night," chuckled Madeline, without waiting for Betty's answer. "Did you hear her implorin

Kittredge, who had come over to borrow one of Betty's notebooks and had fo

amiably. "Well, before we go into that

pearls in a quaint old setting. It used to be her great-grandmother's. Mine wasn't much to lose, and

iscellaneous assortment of books, papers, dance-cards and bric-a-brac

bout her pin, I got worried about mine-mother gave it to me and I couldn't bear to lose it for good-so I went thro

rs was stolen?"

taken. She left it on her cushion yesterday when she came down t

ht to tell Mrs. Kent right away. I shou

m sure Annie would look after her. We all know that she's as honest as the

ional thief, I mean-that he or she should come to this house twice, several

k that any Harding girl would do such a thing. I'd ten time

rain-coats, and laden with a huge pan of marshmallow fudge, which t

mn about?" demanded Bob, when Bab

nd Babe and Bob e

nd Geraldine Burdett has lost a ring. Oh, about two weeks ago Gerry's was taken, and Babbie's before that. They've been

was on the chiffonier right beside her pin and it wasn't touched, though it was just stuffed with

und so, is it?" said Betty seriously. "It's ju

and other valuables in plain sight, and if we do miss anything we can't be sure it's stolen a

ned Babe, "and if I hide things I can't ever f

m going to keep my money in 'Love's Labor Lost.'

e place for mine," laughed Katherine, "so I choose tha

forget themselves. But I shan't believe it's a Harding girl," she added decisively. "It would be perfectly easy for any dishonest young woman to go through the ho

rison who had met them in the hall, and in the general att

e long fall term. Flying fast on the heel

the president dropping the most awful hints about what will happen if you cut over. Nobody c

ut of it," said Babbie philosophically. "I've writ

us the best Thanksgiving dinner we e

ofty ambition," said Katherine. "If she is, and i

to stay anyway?"

een urged to visit any of my Eastern friends, I was," admitted Katherine, solem

ce carnival, which meant search-lights, bonfires and a big band on the ice every evening. There is nothing in the world more exhilarating than skating t

's idea and the basket-ball game in the afternoon between the Thanksgiving Dinners and

ain of the Training Table simulated a big bottle labeled "Pure Spring Water," and the members of her team were tastefully trimmed with slices of dry bread. Being s

bunch of celery. At least she had been one until she came into

ings and the absurdly small number of its volumes, compared with the rapidly increasing number of the girls who used them, to the attention of the public. Somebody had offered fifty thousand dollars for a library fund

e senior president, caught Madeline on the way t

t nervy, are they? Well, of course 19- has got to take the lead, and I've fairly racked my brains to think what we can do. Now it's n

mittee to take charge of it?

ls are all willing to help, but they insist upon having the idea to start wit

rkly, remembering the drudgery she had submit

st. I don't care what we have, so long as it's new and taking-the sort of thing that you al

d my head was a large garden. I can't produce ideas to order any more than

he gave vent to some forcible remarks about the "exasperatingness" o

ave, not Madeline, but Eleanor Watson,-who had been having tea with Madeli

ext Cuyler's, just for the holidays, I suppose. Bob got a Teddy bear, and I bought this box of fascinating little Japanese tops for

e on the polished tea-table and emptying out the miniature tops. "They r

our senior entertainment?" asked Ele

trying to make the purple plum she was manipu

at you and Mary got up away back in sophomore year," explain

We could. I can fairly see my friends turning into toys. You and Betty and the rest of the class beauties are

he-box," cried Betty eagerl

uggested Eleanor. "Don't you think

We can ask five cents for a turn at making her spin." And Madeline twirled the

tuffed animals," suggested Eleanor,

nd a Punch and Judy show. Oh, there's no end to the things we

objected Eleanor. "I

and-Eleanor Watson, are you trying to crawl out of your respo

that you can see me turning into. But Marie didn't ask me to suggest, and she might feel embarr

began sternly, "you're thinking about last fall. Don't you know tha

e right," said

llel case. In making you toastmistress 19- was supposed to be doin

-shop, we shall tell her that you t

h as I do," put in Madeline artfully, "but that we are both wi

leadingly from o

d Betty, "so it's no use to

- goes begging for another, or it stands

urse," began Elean

er. "I knew you'd see it sensibly in a minute.

asked Madeline thoughtfully when Eleanor had left them,

was like three years ago

ncy her contributing ideas to the public good and trying to escape

s now," said Betty, squeez

Well, I'm going to be careful not to pull any of them down on her head this time. I say, Betty, wouldn't the Blunderbuss make a superb jack-in-the

t she had always known she was misunderstood and that anyhow Eleanor Watson was responsible for the toy-shop. Having spent the better part of a day in spreadin

tch it. But I'm staying on to oversee the fall cleaning, and we haven't had one for a good while, so it will take another week. I'm sorry not to be on hand for the toy-shop doings (don't you let them put it off, Betty, or I can never make up my

me a l


are the wir

oom, and declaring sadly that she couldn't remember half the features of the toy-shop that they had discussed together, claimed Eleanor's half-promise of help, why there was nothing for Eleanor to do but redeem it. Nothing at least that the new Eleanor Watson cared to do.

r the dolls, all about a mad old German doll-maker who has a shop full of automatons and practices magic to try to bring them to life. Some villa

t know what it was about of course, or who wrote it. She just went by t

to make a costume for the mock-turtle. It's Roberta, and it's going to dance w

pet paper shell, mark scales shoe-blacking, lace togeth

she appeared in the door of the gymnasium and stood

make the rounds of the other attractions before dinner time. In clarion tones that made themselves heard abov

ily, "and you'll forget

rough a megaphone. "Give the children a season of refined and educat

the new arrival. "When did you get back? Come and s

e," said Madeline, "but

llars already at five cents a spin. She says she used to love making

Madeline decisively; but on her way to

just like the only doll I ever wanted. I saw her in a window on Fifth Avenue, and the one

hanking her and praising the pantomime, and she's so pleased about it all. She told me that she had felt all this year as if everybody was

ir disheveled and her hands very black indeed. "I'm awfully glad you've come

hed Madeline. "What in the

e back this evening, so Emily has been selling us-or it, whichever you please-at

nce before she found Eleanor, and by that time an interview with Jean Eastman had prepared her for the h

ardless," she exclaimed, sauntering up to Madeline and holding out a bag of fudge. "It's a decided hit, isn't

ely show," said Madel

erest thing. I'd a lot rather be chairman of the play committee, or even a member of it, for

t to Eleanor?" ask

cts," said Jean with a shrug. "We're old friends

r Eleanor Watson nor any of her friends has thought anything about her being put on the play committee. I made the mistake once of supposing that our class as a whole was c

quickly. "I suppose yo

hite with anger was half

now. They'll be afraid of seeing me do the Blunderbuss's act with variations. She'd have been elected fast enough, after this, and there isn't a girl in the class

escape the eagle eye of the night-watchman. "I've come to tell you that the wires are all

ll crowd," she said angrily. "At any rate they used her while

e. "What an awful lot it costs to lo

it, dearie?" Madeline said affectionately. "I oughtn't to have bot

t people who won't follow her lead. None of that crowd would help about the toy-shop except Kate Denise, but eve

hink that sort of thing," she said. "It complicates li

. "Don't forget that the senior 'Merry

very one of them that I've seen has menti

the news," declared Betty, holding her candle high

she told the green lizard a little later. "Those things make such a lot of worry and hard feeling. But then I

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