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Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party


Word Count: 2841    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

, should forget the Fourth of July!" exclaimed Alec, when

hole life," she said plaintively. "But there have been so many ne

iotic than those of other states?" inquired Blue

Plymouth Rock and the Declaration of Independence fro

the secret. Now I know, Uncle Cliff, what was in that box labelled 'dangerous.' Wasn't I a goose not to think of it? And Uncle Joe telegraphed so as to get

dy. Now, as soon as Gertrudis stops sending in corncake, I propose that we adjourn to the

?'" asked Debby. "I thought

r ones than any other human in Texas, and the boys called him 'Pinto Pete' the

a nickname, to

hadrach. Shadrach Stringer's his name,

y eye. Kitty, known as "Little Miss Why," was always on the alert to bequeath

a 'twi

ster," repli

ah. Some day we'll get him to give an exhibition. You'd never believe how he can stick on,-it'll frighten you the first time you see it. The way the horse rears

she in a resolutely cheerful tone, "w

ought, and then bit her lip. Tha

in the afternoon," explained Blu

rnoon?" dem

four p. m. will be severely dealt with. It's a law of the human constitution an

g that she would not spend two or three precious hours ever

om her by now and was leading the way to the stables. Straight to Firefly's stall she went and threw her arms around her old playfellow's neck. In the few seconds before the others came in sh

?" she challenged

to admire. "Wouldn't Chula's nose be out of

too. Where's Alec'

arger and browner than ever now that they knew the origin of his nickname. "

plendid! Alec, you'll th

he young ladies that Shady's verdict was quite just. Strawberry pranced, bared her teeth at any approach, and in general did her best to live up to he

approval from all but Sarah. These slender, restless little steeds seemed not at all related to the

best mount for you," ex

" cried Sara

upon Pinto Pete let out a loud guffaw, changing it at once into an ostentatiou

an pick out any one of those four horses you choose for m

ed stare at the ruffled one, picked up the gauntlet. She appraised the horses with a calculating

t you, Se?orita Blake?

but it passed muster. No one dreamed of the shivers of abject fear that were chasing u

exclaimed Blue Bonnet. "

bearing such a wild Indian name was too much for him. He emerged a moment later very red in the face and unable to meet Blue Bonn

nty of time before noon," suggested Uncle Joe.

ed was he with the bright-hued Indian saddle-blankets. The girls watched him with eager eyes, but when he w

!" exclaimed Debby in

e in Texas do as the Texans do?' Well, turn and turn about is fair play. Di

f the saddles, and at the strong hair-bridle that

k that was far from approving. "Lupe,

," said Guada

uel wicked things that cut a horse's mouth to pieces, and I won't have them used," sh

ngly. "It is the safer for

ing, Lupe, and can manage very well without them. We'll have to organize

uted others more to the Se?orita's liking, an

s the saddle in these

n the girls entered the nursery. There on the beds lay five complete riding suits: divided skirts of khaki, "midd

ied the girls, falling o

in a shop window while we were in New York and went in and ordered seven! B

ing demanded of a middy blouse, and all were pronounced perfect except Sarah's, which, as Kitty remarked, "fitted too soon." Gauntlet gloves and natty ridin

"middy" set more trimly and the little hat was set on her ruddy locks at a little more daring angle than that of the others. Amanda and Debby appeared the same unremarkable sort of schoolgirls that they always were.

imed Alec, "s

ourself," returned Kitty. "Isn't

y consulted, for the Eastern boy had no desire to be dubbed a tenderfoot; and now, except for


earance and himself no end of comfort. A soft shirt and a carelessly knotted bandana gave the finishing touches to his attire. He had even t

o Pete, and Uncle Joe forming a rear guard, with Don and Solomon capering at their heels; whil

dford," remarked Alec, looking with am

rifle resentfully. "Aren't w

be arrested for running a

the handy pommel with a nervous clutch that was eloquent of her state of mind. And that action was all that saved her. For Comanche, taki

d it several shades lighter. The terrors that were compressed into those two hours are beyond description, while the b

t she was not in the least hungry, she went at once to her room. On the little stand by her bed lay the Spanish grammar and dictionary, mute evidences of the way she had intended to spend the siesta hour. She gave them not s

d turned inquisitors, and while two were stripping off the bedc

ng up and rubbing her eyes. "It doesn't

ockingly. "There's such a thing, Sarah

ew and awful kind of ache, and in that minute Sarah wished she had never heard of the Blue Bonnet ranch. Just then came the wel

the Se?ora commanded gaily. "This

r her shoulder, as obeying orders, the fo

herself with the Pond's Extract Mrs. Clyde had secretly provided her with, life seemed once more worth living. But she was very quiet and

that threatened to end in a human conflagration. A small fortune went up in gigantic pin-wheels; flower-pots that sent up amazing blossoms in all the hues of the rainbow; rockets that burst in mid-air and let fall a shower of coiling snakes,

e nursery undressed in a dead quiet and fell asleep before their heads fairly touched the pillows. In her own little room Sarah held another seance with the witch hazel bottle, and went to sleep only to d

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