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Bohemian Days


Word Count: 1327    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

who went about their pleasures that October night,

aced two hundred francs in her morning's coffee-cup. It was mournful now to mark his premature gray hairs, as, resting his soiled, faded coat-sleeve upo

about your spaniel's neck. I am poor, my dear-that will not move you, I know, but I am go

leman and borrowed the money; the other saw it transferred to Pisgah, with an ex

such an appellation. He would have esteemed it a favor now to be what he was named, and only lifted his creased beaver gratefu

s transacted after dark. Monsieurs Freckle and Plade were engaged

fteen months' rent, for which the onl

play with these, Simp would be turned out of

bony billiard cue; a Paduan violin; two statuettes of more fidelity than modesty, to be sold pound for pound at the current value of bronze; divers pipes-articles of which Mr. Simp had earned the tit

suspicion of theft. All went in the manner stated to Mr. Lees' chamber, he being the only colonist who did not hazard the loss of his room, chiefly

ried his articles up from the curb, while the cocher grinned and winked behind, and taking his turn in the throng of widows, orphans, ouvriers, and profligates and unfortunates of all loose conditions, Simp was a s

rnment pawnb

hile, at the Grand Hotel, enacting the ti

rmation. His address was even fascinating. One suspected him to be a leech, but pardoned the motive for the manner. He called himself a broken man. The war had blighted his fair fortunes. For a time he had held on hopefully, but no

im-one Northern man had given him empl

sentiment alluded to the business habits of h

an. When ou-ah beloved country is reduced to such straits, that she mus

n ingenuous youth from Pennsylvania, and obtaining a hundred fr

t icily grim behind a table whereon eleven hundred francs reposed; and the whole colony, crow

ith the sight of the gold; for to-day that invalid w

smilingly, "when either the possession or the l

red Auburn Risque-"when you lunch at Peters' while a

ly eyes: "I don't feel that I shall ever spend a sou of the winnings. No more will an

le the pock-marks in his face were like the thawings of ice. "You

not see bad omen for the Colony;" and they said, i

miles from relief; two seas between, one of water and one of fire; at home, conscription, captivity, death: the calamity of

ing-house, would be a good thing wherewith to freight Auburn Risque for his voyage. When men stake everything on a chance, it is natural to look up to somebody who

,[C] and packed him away in a third-class carriage, wringing

ern Railw

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