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Bohemian Days


Word Count: 4066    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

misfortune kept them asunder. They closed their chamber-doors, and waited in hunger

isque was manifest. The horse is always sure of a proprieto

hiffoniers' Quarter; "a horse is invariably faithful, unless he happens to be a mul

stopped at the great horse market, a scene familiarized to America

ght-horses were tested. The animals were gayly caparisoned, whisks of straw affixed to the tails indicating those for sal

blouses were galloping the great-hoofed beasts down the course by fours and sixes; t

he asses which moved amid hundreds of braying mulets, while at the farther end of the ground the teams we

a celebrated stage-route, and the

up Risque, in his practical way, when the man

id the man

l his feet but this one. See! he kicks if I touch it. Wal

glancing down Risque's dilapidated dress; "I will make it worth

freckled hand into the jaws of stallions, and cowed the wickedest mule with his spotted eye. He knew prices a

nd many mistakes," said the lat

traightforwardly, "to work on your

e Champs Elysées; and next morning at daylight the gameste

rs. Hugenot and Plade met by chance

is eye-glass. "My ancestry would blush in their coffins if they knew ou-

speak a word of any continental language. Take me along as courier an

an?" said Hugenot, irresolutel

aising a thousand franc

he evidence prior to committing th

y louis; "the day after to-morrow I gua

an, and somewhat in dread of Andy Plade, who, as his school-mate, had thrashed him repeatedly, and even now that one ha

ed none of the dangers, and the traffic required no particular skill. Hugenot was, briefly, a favorite of circumst

ry hair taught its curve and direction, the lunette perched upon no nose to speak of, and the wavering, vacillating eye, which

observer who looks twice, the plausibility of the face will fail to deceive. The eye is deep and direct, but the high, jutting forehead above is like a table of stone, bearing the ten bro

y. The world asked, wonderingly, what capacities had the latter? Was he not obtuse, sounding, shallow? Mr. Plade alone, of all the Americans in Paris,

step on the stairs that night, and

falling tearfully upon his bed; "I

oice of Andy Plade. "Freckle sleeps in Clichy to-night; Risque c

Simp; "but you must laugh at your own

ouisiana is subjugated, and communication re-esta

said the other, holding up a five-franc piece

. Plade; "one hundred dollars

s, but was too weak to prolong the pleasantry, and sat down

uppose I should borrow five hundred dollars on your c

nety-five dollars for five; but Plade pressed for a direct answ

legiance to the Yankee Government before its chargé des affaires in Paris. That will save your crops from confiscation, and be your passport to return. Then write to your former banker here, promising to consign y

icate; you bewilder me! What is a consignment? How am I, bigad! to make that clear in a letter

, contemptuously; "w

banker's the following noon, and at dusk he met Andy Plade in

ing their cigars at Nice, and Mr. Simp, without the least idea of

t the dregs of absinthe in the tumbler, "give

nine hundred and sixty-five francs, seventy-five cen

the madame's fat cheek, "you are not hard-hearted. You wi

me; "vous m'embate! You say

se, my

will get all these when the war closes; but if you die of starvation in Paris, they amount to nothing. Marry me! I will keep you alive here; you

uch a proposition from his blanchisseuse-and as he leaned his faded hairs upon his unnerved and quiv

ce with a poor washerwoman would shame your great kin. Pay me my mon

o me, madame," said Pisgah,

mocking laugh; "I will not save your life

for as Pisgah entered his creamery soon after

to eat here, until you pay a part of your bill w

gift of Madame Francine, hung in the clothes-dealer's window, and Mr. Pisgah, wearing a common blouse, a cap, and coarse hide shoes, repaired to the nearest wine-shop, and drank a de

no money should work; you cannot sleep in twenty-six to night, sir; I h

g the street in the pleasant evening, and the film of tears that shut

on the brass andirons lit up the windows of the mansion, and every negro cabin was luminous, so that in the night the homestead looked like a village. Then the moon rose above the woods, making the lawn frosty, and shining upon the

which you have no appetite; the Maryland biscuit are unusually good this evening, and there is the yellow pone in the corner, with Sukey, your old nurse, behind it. Do you like

clock in the corner, imported from England before the celebrated Revolutionary war, impresses the cat as a very formidable object with its st

trait of General Washington. But now the cloth is removed, and the old-fashioned table folds up its leaves; they sip some remarkable sherry, which grandfather regards with a wheezy so

emselves to the pavement with an oath, what rises upon his eye and his heart? Paris-grand, luxurious, pitiless, a

all the folks upon the bridge were stony faced! It had never before occurred to him that men were cold-blooded creatures. He wondered if the Seine, dashing against the quays and piers beneath, were not their proper element? Ay! for

ured fa?ade before, was merely a high-decked ship, with sailors crowding astern. The holy apostles above the portal were more like human men than ever,

s over;" but not till he stood on the place of the H?tel de la Ville, did

etter in his hand, his landlady's gift at parting; it

re's Simp, dogorn him! Hon. S. sent to Simp's house; understood he'd sailed for America. Requested Hon. S. to give me small part of money as Simp's next friend. Hon. S. declined. Population of prison very great. Damned scrub stock! Don't object to imprisonment as much as the fleas. Fleas bent on aiding my escape. If they crawl with me to-morrow n

in dee


Pisgah, dismally. "So much the better fo

glass brimful of absinthe, at which all the gar?ons and p

mouth wide open, "that gentl

all over. Why don't I get the delirium tremens? I should like to be crazy. Oh, ho, ho, ho!" he continued, laughin

ted the surplus of their rations to mendicants without. The latter were already assembling-laborers in neat, common clothing, with idlers and profligates not more forbidding, while a soldier on guard directed them where to rest and in what ord

nd swollen eyes to the stars, "am I, then, among the ver

The chasseurs in the mess-room were making merry after dinner with pipes and cards, and one of these, givi

u have the stuff in

er's stuff into me," respo

l-dressed, and houseless, when yo

e soldier a very

dian (we speak patois there). My troubles are t

es seven years of honorable service to three days of mendicancy and distress? We are well cared for by the nation; we

oked upon it in tha

nd, and you can look into your grave without a qualm. I say to you," spoke the chasseur, clearly and eloquently, "be one of us. Decide now, before a doubt mars your bette

e other's enthusiasm; "I was born a gentle

and pantaloons, looking like an overgrown baker's boy, with a chapeau like a flat, burnt loaf. He was then put through the manual, which seemed to indicate all possible motions save that of liquoring

is neck. "Why did you go and do it? You kn

ier's grave, woman!" answered Pi

ld have worn my hands to the bone to save you from this dreadful life. Suppose you

ah's turn t

our head, Francine!

whom I have washed, paid me fifty francs thi

your conduct permits me to do

e," shrieked the blanchisseuse. "Oh

sinthe. Be particular about the change. We military men must b

gimentals, burnished his buckles and boots, paid his losses at cards, and bought him books and tobacco. Sh

rain beat in, she thought of Pisgah as she toiled; and though her back ached and her hands we

selfish men, thank God f

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