Chimes of Mission Bells
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stro Padre Sarría, ayudanos con tu intercesion" (soul of our Father Sarría help us by your intercession). Of course this pious demonstration was not public because for many wise reasons, the church forbids the public veneration or invocation of a saint until the required process of canonization has authorized it, however, the allowable private invocation was freely practiced as it has been done in the case of other saintly missionaries, namely, Junipero Serra, Magin Catalá and others. And the following sweet legend is told of Padre Sarría. As the Indian carriers lowered the humble redwood coffin which contained the
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aint Charles, the patron saint of the mission. Soon after, the venerable Serra was overtaken by his last illness and went to his reward before November, the twenty-fourth. But every year on the eve of the feast of Saint Charles just before midnight a ghostly procession wended its way to San Carlos Mission, for all the missionaries, Spaniards, or their descendants who had ever lived in California would arise from their graves and with them all the Chris
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A few days after this proceeding the man was struck blind. This incident is no legend, but within the remembrance of many old residents of Monterey. The unfortunate man later acknowledged that his calamity was a direct visitation of Almigh
on facts but distorted beyond recognition. Still this is not startling in a land as full of sentiment and romance as California, where so many writers, (most of them "New-comers") hav
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