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Daughter of the Sun


Word Count: 4387    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

they were like pools of lambent phosphorescence in the black shadow of her hair. He glimpsed in them an eloquence which mystified him; it was as though through her eyes he

room stir until she, turning swiftly, at last broke the char

raction, was alike unconscious of his whereabouts or of the attention which he was drawing. His eyes stared and strained after the vanished Mexican and his companion; he, too, had been fascinated; he w

od frowning and fingering his forelock. "I know what's burning hot in your fancie

d strangely. "And you think I might be slittin' thro

" demanded Kendric, still aware of

torted the sailor. "And

r he turned and saw Barlow hastening along the dim street in

at and what they took him for, anyway? Those who knew him best squandered no sympathy where they knew none was needed. To the discerning, though they had never known another man who won or lost with equal gusto in the game, who when

uently, swapping yarns, inviting recitals of wild doings, making a man here and there join him in one of the old songs, singing mightily himself. He had just given a brief sketch of the manner in which he had acquired his latest stake; how down in Mexico he had done bu

d, "I can get a good night's sleep!

res, there was still a feverish gleam in his eyes. And, furt

dric called to him. "Limber up and

re he was, eyein

he said. His voice like his lo

this was meant for other things than for two old fools like you

ve shot your wad. Come along with me. You know what shore I'm headin'

craft in

d Kendric

cargo in

sty Barlow'

ll her up

neerin', privateeri

ere the sun shines

' pear

his rhymes petered out and he stopped, laug

ed. "But until he's under way there's no tale to tell and so what'

ence flared out

anded. "I'm off to San Diego by moon-rise. If you

Twisty?" coun

to me then?" asked B

thority of the rod, allowed himself to be dragged to the middle of the room and there, standing side by side, the two men lifted their voices to the swing and pulse of "The Flying Fish Catcher," through all but interminable v

eafarer?" asked Kendric

first, while I think of it, Ruiz R

his eyes. And, before Barlow

get a room. She saw me and sent

ric told him. "Now spin y

ch the reciter was lavish with pearls and ancient gold. It appeared that one had but to sail down the coast of Lo

low. "All I'm short of is you to stand your share of the hell we'll raise and to chip in with wh

oes back where it belongs. But if you're counting on me

can dig anything, for God's sake scrape lively. We want to get there before somebody e

dric. "If they're roosting around par


fifty!" he announced, considering the sale as good a

eldom grew quiet was singing in his ears. He knew something of the gulf into which Barlow meant to lead him, and of that defiant, legend-infested strip of little-known land which lay in a seven

go?" sai

the end of it he would again have filled his pockets the while he would have drunk deep of the life that satisfied. It was long since he had smelled the sea, had known ocean sunrise and sunset, had gone to sleep with his bunk swa

oad. Kendric meant to get two or three hours' sleep since he realized that even his hard body could not continue indefinitely as he had been driving it here of l

in every muscle of his body. The street was deserted saving the figure of a boy

" came the call

came close and peered into his face. Then, having made su

ed," he a

ook it, w

" he asked.

c gave him up and came back to the street, tearing off the outer wrap of the package under a street lamp. In his hand was a sheaf of bank notes which he readily recognized as the very ones he had just now

h he looked sad when he lost. From one who d

e empty street; then forgetful of bed and rest, his anger rising, he strode swiftly off toward the hotel, mutterin

Mrs. Rios," sai

of Castelmar." He drew his soiled, inky g

answered Kendric

per. And at Kendric's short "Yes," he pointed down th

en to stopping for reflection when he had started for a definite goal and furthermore just now his wrath was consuming him. He went furiously down the hall and struck at the door

ack and keen. He looked at her in surprise. Somehow he had counted on finding Zoraida Castelmar young; just why he wa

grily, his hand lifted,

e inte

ndric, no? She aw

y rich silken curtains, hanging in deep purple folds, displaying a profusion of bright hued woven patterns, both splendid and barbaric. The floor was carpeted by a soft thick rug, as brilliant as the wall drapes. The two chairs were hidden under similar drapes, the small square table covered by a mantle of deep blue and gold which fell to the floor. Beyond all of this the soli

sweet heavy perfume filling the room, a fragrance new to him and subtly exotic. Everything about him was fantastic, extravagant, absurd, he told himself bluntly, as was everyth

urving lips were those of a young maiden; her tall, slender figure was obscured by the loose folds of a snow white garment which fell to the floor about her; her eyes were just now of any age or ageless, unfathomable, and, though they smiled, filled with a sort of mockery which baffled him, confused him, angered him. Upon one point alone there could be no shadow of doubt; from the top of her proudly lifted

ughter deepened and the mockery stood higher. He frowned a

her briefly. "I don't wan

lly her laughter parted her lips and the low music of it filled the room. He knew in a flash now that she had never meant to allow her winnings to escape her; that there had been cra

ted," she said lightly, "I sh

clearly just how she had played with him the blood

eed be no talk between you and me s

ected him curiously.

." He meant, as he desired, to be rude

but still with that intense probing look filling the black

riental, slanting upward slightly toward the white temples. No wonder she had impressed him as f

under the silken hangings which no doubt had fallen into place when the door had closed behind him. He did not remember having shut it

sense about?" he dem

d. She sat back idly, looking at him fixedl

onight. I know the sort of man you are. I know how you made your money in Mexico; how you

ocked?" he said. "Or shall

es were glittering now; she leaned forward, suddenly rigid and tense and breathing hard. "When I have found a man who stakes ten thousand

ndric. "And I don't like your ways of doing

ched. Then she sank back again, laughing. "When you learn to

angings getting in his way, he tore them aside. Zoraida

ar on the other side,"

, "to take that white throat of yo

d her, seemed to

ould do that?" It was hardly more

re: I've got some riding ahead of me and I'm dog tired and want a wink

ou are and in what I could trust you and in what I could not. I would make your fortune for you." Again

iently before she had d

ant no place as any woman's watchdog. Offer me what y

heavy caliber revolver, toying with it while he spoke

u can frighten m

f the door still stands up I'll keep on shooting until the hotel m

ond was a sound of a bolt being slipped, of a bar grinding in its sockets. "One thing only and you can go: When you com

sional reader of fortunes? God knows y

in from you; I knew you would refuse to come to me and then would come. All this I knew when you took your ten thousand from the bank down in Mexico and rode toward the border. Further," and he was baffled to know whether she meant what her words implied or whether she was mer

who paid passionate claim to an intense hatred of the man whom she allowed to escort her here and there, impressed him as no natural woman at all but as something of strange influe

ered under his breath, "there is no room for women." And yet, since strong emotions, like the restless sea, leave their high water marks when they subside,

d a charm over your li

under his breath. And when Barlow asked

d tub and out to sea any t

rlow laughed

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