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Daughter of the Sun


Word Count: 2848    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


t understand each the other; they must know, and know without delay, just in what and to what lengths friend could count on friend. To the utte

uld come and come again, no doubt, for thus would a great country in due time work out its own salvation. But it was no affair of his. This fomenting nucleus into which he and Barlow had come was, he estimated, foredoomed to failure and worse; one fine day Ruiz Rios and

e in the world, Zoraida's house least of all, and denied the freedom of the open. It looked as though he, who had never done another man's command, must no

e this," he told himself, determined to

o coolly laid claim to the royal blood of the Montezumas, laid claim as well to their treasure trove. Just how any of them could make

oked up at him thoughtfully. Barlow bore

left Rios?" a

questioningly at his friend. He appeared to hesitate, then sa

endric sharply. "Wh

y in doubt just how far Kendri

would it?" he asked. "Bulgin' full? And you wouldn't min

times an uprising down here is a nasty mess that it's easier to get into than out of again. And, if we get

tugging at

" he muttered at las

of on your head when you decide to come down.

g counseling caution!" Barlow laug

the lay-out here and I'm going to break for the open. You and I have fallen among a pac

agerly. "Let's talk str

tiny's prerogatives here, ruled otherwise. There came a quiet r

sires immediately to sp

ng himself into a

g," he

up, his hand locking

old on a minute. The

tience glared out of

would be just as well if you sent back word you cou

d Barlow. And then, "You do

and if you don't look out you'll do just what she says do. There never was a mere woman like her. She's uncan

night? While I was out wi

I found any pleasure i

his disbelief, his look at on

d hear his steps sounding quick and eager. Kendric returned to his chair, perplexed. Then again he s

a man," he told himself lightly.

lanked on one side by the adobe wall of the house, on the other by the white columns and arches. The night was fine, clear and starlit; the fragrance of a thousand flowers lay heavy upon the-a

t that," he mused. "Big

ikely, from what Zoraida had said, that some of her rabble were watching him. If so, he deemed it as well to know for certain. So he kept straight on toward the whitewashed wall

urned. From the nearest one came the voices of two men. Tied near this tower and outside the wall were two horses; he saw them vaguely and heard the clink of bridle chains. Saddled horses. There would be saddled horses at each of the four towers; night and day, if Zoraida's talk were not mere boas

wo men he now heard an overturned chair, jingle of spur and thud of boots, a sharp command. He saw two figures run out on the wall and leap down into the saddles just below

ent satisfied. And there he sat until one of the rider

. It would be best if Se?or Americano

led along the driveway, his thoughts were not unpleasant. For what had he come adventuring into Lower California if he weren't ready for what the day might bring? The situation had its zest. He wondered how many men were hidden about the

riveway and flung himself to the ground. A figure stepped out from the shadowy corridor and Kendric wa

u, Ramorez?

It is Ramorez. And

" Escobar's to

nging her. I am here for ord

?orita Castelmar knows ev

re he was, receptive for any bit of understanding which might be vouchsafed him. He was satisfied with his position in the shadow

ndric's eyes. In the saddle was what appeared a weary little figure, drooping forward, clutching miserably at the horn of the saddle with both hands. As she came

ta." It was Escobar's voic

iffly and stood stiffly, looking about her. Kendric, to see better, came on emerging from the shadows and stood, leaning against the wall, drawing s

r voice, throwing out her two arms towa

ploringly. Kendric frowned. The girl was too fair for a Mexican; her hair in the lamp light was

dirty devils have laid their hands on an

rembling "Please" upon her l

d; "I am so frightened. Wo

was like hurting a child. And yet he held resolutely back from interference. As yet no rude hand was being laid on her and it would be better if she went into the house quietly than if

raise false hope just yet. The result was that the girl turned from him with a little shudder, seeing in him but another oppressor. She sighed wearily and, walking stiffly

nded impudently. "What

ed Kendric. "And what a

ghed his op

is the daughter of a rich gentleman named Gordon, if you would know. Her papa calls her Betty and is very fond of her. Him I have let

you something: If you touch a hair of that poor little kid's head I'll shoot six hole

y a fleeting glimpse of her as she passed out through a door across the room, escorted by the grave-eyed young woman who an hour ago had warned him not to anger Zoraida. He saw Bett

her on a horse, scooting for the New Moon. All alone among these pirates, with he

oked too tired to lie awake long, no matter what her distress.

aida had had with him. Twisty's eyes were shining; his head was up; h

ustedly. "Once you let a woman get her

randy bottle and fill

nia!" he cried ringingly. He drank

ssly. And thanked God that he had never

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