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English Pharisees and French Crocodiles


Word Count: 1155    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e's son, officer in Her Majesty's service, student, s

y in his arms, will perform feats of valor; who, to pass this ball between two goals, will grovel in the dust, reckless of lacerated shoulders, a broken r

n the firmament, and you will arrive at a pretty corr

he has to surmount the more he is in his element; he is a curious mixture of lion, mule, and oc

n; when I run, I run as fast as I can; when I jump, I jump as far as I can." He m

of John Bull: his tenacity, the coolness

ck over and over again. He has seen nothing if he has not seen all. You may think yourself lucky if he has not profited by your back being turned for a moment, to go and hoist the Union Jack on the summit of the h

land. On arriving upon his new field of operation, the missionary places the Bible in the hands of the natives, and thus addresses them: "My dear Brethren, lift your eyes to Hea

es open their eyes, t

each of his acts, presenting the most striking contrasts, but always guided by his reason. Fiery patriot, yet calmly bearing the greatest humiliations while awaiting the propitious moment for taking his innings. In the temple, a publican, crying

; abroad, not only encouraging, but enforcing the opium trade. At home, prosecuting the individual that ill-uses an animal, unless, indeed, the animal be a wife; abroad, setting a price upon the head of a recalcitrant foe. At home, punishing

being better than nothing; and thus it is that little by little, without shock

ong, he knows where to lay the blame: he keeps Scotchmen, I

or hides his face in his hat, and reminds one of Heinrich Heine's sayings, "that a blasphem

ollection is going on. Hear h

le realm of

n offering


life, my so

s his pockets to be quite sure that it is

s for the best in the best of worlds. But shake your fist at him, and show him that you mean to have that reform


is liberty ran the least danger. In politics, possessing the virtues that are indispensable to the prosperity of a nation-respect of the law and respect of power clearly manifested-he always bows to the decision of a

ing his own business, and imposing upon one and all their attributions and duti

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