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Ethel Morton at Sweetbrier Lodge


Word Count: 2522    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

up with remarkable speed, but that the inside would never be done-never! Every day the girls walked down the road after school,

f the house that was to be seen now would still be seen after the leaves

ller knows,'" Mr. Emerson quoted

it is to look from the

ll be a hedge along the street and a lot of shrubs on the knoll

ncrete," declared Mr. Emerson; "vin

irely covered, the

oken of it as a bungalow, but the plans I saw the men following the other day when

would be too crowded now that we have little Belgian Elisabeth

r almost all of the presents for the Christmas Ship had been made in the attic

t-out plan before you attempt building," s

s as well as our own," continued Dorothy, using the pro

od contractor

ower that Mother thought there must be something the matter with the quality of the material he used, or that

ght have spoiled the whole thing and have cost her

ad all been arranged some weeks before and many of them had been planted, but the artistic part of the garden had been left until there should be time to devote to it. Mrs. Smith ha

" she said, smiling at the gi

vice Club. A meeting was called in the partly begun garden so that they might have the "lie of the land" befo

provided for us," she said as they all seated t

s with wise foresight. Tom and his sister, Della, came out from New York for the club gatherings, and the prospect of meeting out of do


reading them on the grass where they could all see them, "don't you think it wo

l Brown, examining the pages care

ld w

e. It would be messy to have

nse and ability, nodded her agreement with thi

e pattern," said Dorothy

rs," recommended Helen. "Suppose we were sitting here, for instance, and looking toward t

only grow," Dorot

them and not have them i

ock thumped the groun

n there is?" asked Della, e

thel Blue. "That's so plain that it draws your

gust and urged her to c

ided seriously. "You wouldn't get tired of that-especially i

isible furniture," grinned Roger. "

rted Helen, "but you don't want to see a lot of chairs and bench

an elaborate pattern just as musically as

which crushing remark from a younger sister was rew

and small tables for


g the moon?" inq

e cross-barred kind

tooting through his hands as if he were a herald making an announ

almost all the Club, and then one or two smaller benches and t

ged Ethel Blue who held the office of scribe and had not

om. "It's curved so it will fit right under this semi-

wide bench with two wings. I

e chose it will be as pretty as any

about the green," she insisted. "Don't you see what I mean, Dorothy?" she conti

say. Write down one of those, Miss Secretary, and one of these

ved of the single bench and t

y explained gravely, "but when we have a Club meeting we can br

or that you ca

the big bench," objected Tom wi

r benches and chairs over here," answered Dorothy. "If

een continuing her researches in the catalogues. "Her

thy Perkins rambler rose gets bu

y grow," said Dorothy hopefully. "I think there ought to b

for the Ra

t down in while you admire your plants, and you

a bench inside makes a pretty good imitatio

ne apiece of

Roger suggested. "You've got a huge big place to set them

e not too many for the size of the grounds

e going to see the house

it would be very pr

othy. "Mother wants a pergola somewhere. Don't you think the right p

e toward the garden you'd have a-what do you call

a vista?" a

e would be a vis

e why there shouldn't be a trellis framing a view of the wo

aming a View

. They all went toward the upper side of the garden where young peach trees were planted on the northern slope of t

ounced James who had been lying on his back gazin

any bird houses, Dorot

stay late in the season or all winter," repl

ark on, and you fix up a platform with a stick on it that has spikes to hang suet on and they aren't a bit cons

rt of Lincoln'?" she begged Ethel Brown, who was the Club's re

rom all the U. S. C. members as they settled t

nging on br

nest of his

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e mother si

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and we sing

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pipe that mer

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