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Ethel Morton at Sweetbrier Lodge


Word Count: 3573    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e brooder were making rapid progress toward broiler size, and had been transferred to a run of their own where they scratched and

's pool, since his present owner wanted to wait until his aunt's house was occupied before he

atch Chrithtopher Columbuth all the time I'll

k all day and night holding the turtle's paw!" Dorothy

him about, sometimes in his hand and sometimes in a little basket which Dorothy had made for Christopher's Christmas gift. To-day he had brought him to the chicken y

xpressing her emotions. Her little playmate had learned this and therefore when he heard loud howls behind his back he knew that it was not anger

ttered and squawked and ran to and fro, tumbling over each other and running with perfect indifference over the baby as she lay yelling on the ground. Her b

he porch where she was talking with the Ethels who were waiting for the out-of-town members of the U. S. C. to arrive. At the moment when all these people were rushing to the rescue, Margaret

e leg, the baby, howling pitifully by this time as she was drag

h the little darling p

lf together courageously

bout?" Miss Merria

n lip trembling as he tried to unders

away her tears and setting her down on her feet on the grass just

and her caretaker was skilled in interpreting them. She pointed to the turtle and called him by the nickname that Di

gs and walked ahead," interpreted


apping his shell with a chubby forefinger; afte

demonstration, but Dicky translate

beakth, and, when he moved they were fri

"I've seen the chickens run like anything from Christopher, and probably they ran between t

rcome by the confusion; at any rate he withdrew into his shell

orothy, who had come through the fence at the corner

to Sweetbrier Lodge this afternoon. We're all

orted by all the rest of the United Service Club, while Miss Merriam and her cha

Lodge Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Morton came out o

alled Mrs. Smith as soon a

her over to his new home," Do

the singing of

the turtle is hea

nd not a turtle-dove," and the two mothers laughed and disappeared within th

here Dicky gazed at

in it," he objected, sha

hose and fill it up in no

ting to the hole made by the broo

a plug in

any log t

l find him

by a renewal of his former misgivings. Casting himself on the groun

reminded him, "but you know he's always getting into troub

chicks with Elisabeth's overthrow, flashed before him, Dicky how

's go down to the house. The laundry is finished, and we can put

he laundry," obj

him gently, "the house is built on the side of a hill, so the laundry has full sized windows and

d with tears, but a new interes

tfully; "let's all go and see if

," promised Roger, and he and Tom and James went of

s the upper part of the house!" exclaimed Margaret as

en have cleared it all up, and, if this par

ed walls make

ws! I never saw such

ut little cheeseclot

e winter supply of coal," grinned Roger, who appeared

ened the door of a coal bin-"the coal is put in through a concrete chute that leads directly into

u get the

lace for the logs for the open fires. There are two bins, one for furnace coal and the other for the coal for the stoves, and the kindling wood goes in this third one. They are all together and larg

zzle," approved Roger. "I take

r and I worked that out together, and w

took care of several furnaces in the winter time,

ing door and into a covered can. It wi

we superintended," said He

istle down here. See the metal ceiling? That's for fire prevention, and so is the

r a small house," observed James as he c

but she could afford comforts and these

omforts," remarked

in. "When these things get to working you won't c

team or hot water?" asked To

for a small house because you don't have

ere has to be fire enough to ma

away, but in the hot water system there will be some heat in the outsi

red James who was always interested i

m is said to be chea

d Ethel Brown, looking with a puzzl

so I think I'm telling you the truth about it. There have to be two sets of pipes, one t

be big pipes

ly well arranged for piping because it wouldn't take any more pressure to force the water int

en radiators for steam and those for h

the room moist. Here you have to open the air valve yourself and let out the air that

hot water radiator, I should thi

times in the course of the winter. The biggest difference i


swells and it's likely to burst open whatever it's in, so there has to be an open tank up

d Margaret who had been looking a

fire. There's a tiny flame burning all the time, and when the water is drawn o

to heat the house up and yet the wat

ide. There is a thing that burns the garbage and makes it heat the water, but Mother decided that we had so small a fami

onomical for a hotel,"

rothy said, motioning toward a tank

out the iceman

ere cutting and the ice was so dirty she made up her mind right off that she didn't want any more of it. This thing will chill the refrigerato

ff in winter!" and Roger

Dorothy re

d wo

too, so we can always have pl

re useful than the heating arrangem

frankness. "You think you suffer most in summer, but if

I do nearly melt in war

"This is the air-washing arrangement over here," went

!" was the g

mall fan here that brings in the fresh air. It goes into a 'spray chamber' an

ture of this castle is going to

plates that take all the moisture out of it, and then th

I noticed in all the rooms th

k we've made everything very compact here?

"And they're all open so you can

inting upward to what looked like a concrete shelf with

for?" asked

to save himself the trouble of carrying up the logs by piling them on this shelf down here. Then he

cker-jack labor saving d

m cleaner run by this same little motor

rds for?" asked Helen

upboards along the inside of the fence. They hold all the cleaning materials, and the cleaner can sit in a swing chair in the middle and use a different part of the concrete shelf against the two cellar w

ered up in a small room

at out together. Patrick

ad, too!" exclaimed

hy does her carpent

thought I'd leave it here until the house was done, because there are apt

a plathe for Chrithopher Columbuth?" demanded

d now," answered Dorothy briskly, t

e stood ready although covered tubs were built against the wall for use in emergencies, and at one sid

rown, lifting a cover of a h

hes. The other end is on the bedr

Patrick's log dev

here?" asked Roger, lifting the

e it strikes the tub. We'll have to draw some water from the

standing near by and went up t

ame back, "I'll lift you up and you ca

on the log and he lay there poking

e bits of meat for

of the pocket of his rompe

said Tom, wrinkling his nose, "but I d

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