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Fighting with French

Fighting with French



Word Count: 1722    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ubbed his long lean hands g

assure you: jujutsu is a fine art; more than that, it is an application of pure science. I say that, and I know. Compare it with boxing, that which your grandfathers calle

he enthusiastic little Japanes

he said. "But it has been a

repeated, still smiling, bu

hard, and I came down a pret

ould not have fallen so heavily. But you do well; it is good exercise

ne art of jujutsu. He wore a loose white belted tunic and shorts: head and legs were bare. Mr. Kishimaru, a wir

pened, and a tall young fellow of some twen

u? I was in a lumber camp, you know, out west; lumbering's hard work; no cricket or anything else; had to do something; taught 'em jujutsu, odd times, you know. But the Koshinage--I fairly came to grief over that: tried it on a big chap, and came a regular cropper. Made me look

was always pleased to see an old pupil, and Harry Randall, voluble, al

u, Mr. Randall," he said.

l strip to my shirt, b

some peril to the stud, and knotting his braces about his waist

he said. "Perhaps you will be good enough to go through it with Mr

him; a fellow everybody liked; impulsive, generous, easy-going, always in scrapes, always ready to a

ld practise the exercise with him, and was about to i

t's you. Didn't recognise yo

nd them, intently watching their movements. With a sudden turning on his toes and bending of the knees, Amory dragged Randall from behind on to his right hip. A jerk of the left

cellent!" crie

he ground with him on top of me," said Randall. "But it's kn

Randall how to get advantage in the preliminary gr

like a problem in chess: white to play and mate in three moves. It is inevitable, giv

upted Randall. "Knack, I call it. On

until he had performed the feat three times in succession. Then,

-de-do yet. We'll have some grub and a talk. But you've got to change. Can't wait. I'll do some shop

ht Amory, smiling as he wen

dall walking restlessly up an

w long is it? Remember Shovel? He's got a commission in the Fusiliers. Gi

her, he led the way to the coffee-room.

already applied for a commission at home. People here seem to take things very coolly. It'll be a bigger thing than they realise. And this rot in the papers about the Germans' funk--running away, crying their eyes out! Stupid nonsense, believe me. Had a letter in New York from my governor. Jolly exciting voyage, I can tel

ted his modest choi

t compulsion. I'm going down to-morrow to stir 'em up. Haven't come 6000 miles for nothing. By the way, what are you doing? You were a sergeant in the O.T.C. Of course you'd get a commission right away. I shall never forget y

is friend's chatter, but not yet disposed to tell

it now, eh? Y


han't wait much longer. There's a Public School Corps forming; I shall join that. I daresay they'll give me a platoon. I say, why n

hink it

d of disappointment, almost of affront, hovered upon his face. Then suddenly he flashed a look of mingl

h. "Don't be alarmed, Randy; I shan

d governor is biffy. It's a disgrace. Well, I'll wire you; let you know how I get on as a recruiting officer. Then we'll meet somewhere. Find out the headquarters of the Public School Corps, will you? and make up your mind to

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