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Fighting with French


Word Count: 2148    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

heard of Kenneth's impulsive action.

erving as Tommies for a week or two, for the sake of example, you know; but I'm not going to a

ed, Father,"

what, ma

share alike

to maintain the proper relation between employer and employed if you put yourself on a level with the hands? Look at it logically. Take it that I myself had been idiot enough to do as you've done, and put myself in the position to be ordered about by some factory hand

ommy was almost too much for the boys

re'll be more to-morrow. That's what you wanted,

rinciple of the thing--the principle of social order, caste, call it what you like. Destroy caste, and you ruin old England. Come now, I'll see the colonel, and he'll arrange to get you gazetted to th

a jolly old feudal chief you'd have been! But it can't be done. Amory and I have

g, my dear," said Mrs. Randall. "I'm told th

Do as you please, do as you please. I wash my hands of it. Don't exp

had been applied, it was found that the recruits from the Randall works were enough to form a company. This accordingly was scheduled as No. 3 Company in

ommanding, sent for Harry and K

s," he said, "you're bot

ssed that

ience at all, who'll want a thundering lot of licking into shape. I'll put y

ut we only got the men to enlist

promotion. The men will think it the most natu

er, persisted i

ere'll be nothing doing for a day or two. It's chaos at present: no uniforms, no boots, no

te side of the street, evidently on the watch for them. Ginger took hi

only want to know where we are. The questio

a silly question. We're

ieving Jews they are," he added, addressing Harry. "Said it was all kid,

on that score, Ginger.

bob lost t

neway hasn't enl

rned into officers as soon as you'd rake

assed on. "Judging by his speech the other day, he's better educate

es the sound of his own voice, I fancy. Cantankero

un up to town and explain things to the mater, make a few bus

ent, so I'll arrange to have you billeted on the governor. H

form was crowded, a good sprinkling of men in khaki mingling with the civilia

recognise it at once, though the few words he caught were French. He glanced over his shoulder and was not surprised to see Stoneway, the orator of Mr. Randa

t agree with them if they had the power to put a stop to it altogether. But they haven't, and that French fellow had better real

e two men. As he stepped into a first-class compartment he smiled at the thought that

him at t

t. Come along. They're going to serve out uniforms this afternoon; no fitting required! You'll be rather difficult: average chest but extra lon


that squirt,

on't s

said I, and I saluted, just for the fun of the thing. 'Oh, I say, we don't do that to each other,' says he; 'we don't salute anyone under a major, do we?' 'I don't want a dose of clink--already,' said I. 'What on earth

Kenneth, "but a genial ass, you know. He wasn't in the

n. The quartermaster was superintending the allocation of uniforms, and they were in due cour

ted up with wooden frames to serve as sleeping bunks. At one end was a platform on which stood a piano, and one of the recruits was laboriously thumping out a rag-time.

or so, were a little shy and subdued in the company of the "young governor." But the ice was broken when Ginger came up, his square mouth br

't never gue

ger?" asked his

he's been and go

d gone and done? N

rt 'cause of losing us, then? No fear


been and got shaved; he'll be along here presently. His beard, that is. We can let our moustaches grow now, if we li

for, after all his jaw?

de me love you, I didn't want to do it,'" he hummed. "This here khaki looks all right, mates, don't it? Matches my hair. Here, old cockalorum,

he group of which Kenneth and Harry formed a

k around the hall. Stoneway had just made his appearance. It was a different Stoneway. The brown beard was gone, the long and flourishing moustache had been clipped to

't look so much like a

itched off, and the five hundred men of the 17th Rutland L

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