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Frank Merriwell's Bravery


Word Count: 2121    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e outside the station, telling that

his gigantic form, his long-barreled revolvers h

rowd me, some o' yer will take

that point, but there were other ways of reaching the

led a voice. "We kin

. "They're coming, Frank! We must get o

m toward the rear door; but Lona Dawson placed he

s flashing. "You cannot pa

o Frank's eyes, for she was v

y. "I may get my neck stretched b

professor, in a manner that plai

, Frank, it's not yer friends thot will

rd the door, for all of any opposition, when the door flew open with a bang, and a man pitched headlong into the roo

Rosenbum, and the Jew sat up in the midst of the wreck. "Dat

ney. "They're coming ro

nt thrust his head out of

raced. The brace i

be pouring into the station in a moment. Barney sprang for the heavy brac

with terrific force in the stomach of the first man who was trying t

"Uf I don'd see you some mo

bar went against it, being held in posit

"Dot was very well tone. I didn't vant dose beople comin'

t the door, howling

escape, Frankie, me

hat his chance for life would have been less than on

or dat, uf you puy a goot pill

essor Scotch. "They are abou

ndow was smashed, and the mob

m sprang toward the openi

weapon. "Uf anypody dried to get in py dis vindo

denly produced a "gun," and took his place at Solomon's si

urn, and the mad heat of the moment was beginning to s

crowd, but he had done all one man could possibly do. Now, of a su

tisfaction, "so fur, everything is a

ts outside, and bullets began wh

fearless sheriff flung his massi

tall? Thar is ladies in hyar, an' yer might shoot 'em

ck Harry!" y

it o' talkin' crooked. I tells yer right yar an' now thet ye can't hev Black Harry. I offered ther reward fer ther

hem, but they were reluctant to give ov

e ketches such cusses, an' then we takes 'em out an' shows 'em how ter do a jog on empty air. Over in 'Rapahoe we allows thet thar is ther way ter dispose o' sech cases, and I'm ready ter show you people o' Elreno ther purtiest way ter tie a runnin' knot in a hemp necktie. Whatever

o' Oklahoma an' all other parts o' creation! You allows thar don't nobody else but you critters know what is right an' proper, an' so you has ther cheek ter come over hyar an' tell us what ter do! You even offers ter show me how ter tie a runnin'

ns of Elreno, and they raised a howl at Bill Buckhorn, scor

ntensely angry,

ou're short on fer hawse sen

a tu


huge revolver. "You kin run yer blamed old town ter suit yerselves, an' I allows thet Black Ha

them, and strode away, forcing a passage through the crowd,

miled, with gr

uttered. "It took their 'tention erway fer a minute

erse, promising that Black Harry should be lodged

w, an' no gang o' human critters has a right ter take ther law in their han's. I hev swore never ter let one o' my prisoners be lynched, ef I kin help it, an' I'll set 'e

ho heard him felt sure he was not "talking

st passions of the mob had been aroused,

says," declared more than one. "

sheriff's friends, so it seemed at one time as if the

the broken window. "Ef they git at it, I'll find s

se, and a few went away; but a great crowd lingered in s

his brows. "Ef they do thet, they're likely ter break loose again, like a lot

hem," said a musica

nd saw Lona


sible they will

ot you wuz hyar. Go ahead an

w. The moment she was seen, all muttering cease

I have as much interest as any one here in seeing this youthful ruffian brought to justice. I d

s slow!" cr

ils!" came from

should fail, for there is proof enough t

escape f

k Harry to jail. If you do not disperse, I shall remain here, and I will protect the prisoner with

of silence, and t

eetle gal has clean grit, an' I'm fe

dred voices s

ood-by, leetle g

an to disperse with swiftness, so that,

s, and arrangements for conveying the pri

for fear they might also be arrested. He advised them to keep quiet,

parting, and the boy

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