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Frank Merriwell's Bravery


Word Count: 1847    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

y constructed in the feverish days of the early

"justice" in the new Territory moved swiftly,

ir prisoner, avoiding the most public streets, an

the street along which it was believed the sheriff would take Black Harry was thronged with

t trouble, but it is much more likely that the sight of him would have a

-looking citizens about him, and he was dilating on the "double derned foolishness" of

that thar is ther simplest way o' doin' business. Ef we makes a mistake, an' gits ther wrong galoot, nobody ever kicks

ny monkey business with thet thar young gent? Wa'al, thar wouldn't-none whatever. Ef we couldn't found a tree han

l thumb his nasal protuberance at yer, an' go cayvortin' 'round after ther same old style, seekin' whomsoever he kin sock a bulle

was hinted that Hank Kildare might not be abl

d about, loudly proclaiming that he was the man who captured Black Ha

om 'Rapahoe. "Is it a straigh

" asked the man with the f

n', so says I! Ye've got ter talk like a Sunday-school sharp, ur else ther onery critters don't hitch ter ye

, assuming an air

g but the truth! It's an insult to hi

ion be you



unseemly! Why should it seem remark

onery tenderfoot like you rope him, it b

loaded revolver to his head, and he c

d pull ther trigger," boasted Buckhorn. "Black Harry ain't got no license ter live arter this, an' I th

verwy dangerwous, and I weally hope you will hang him wight away, don't yer know. It ith dweadful to think that

in amazement at the speaker. "Is thar

sal voice, and Solomon Rosenbum, with his pack, newly bound

htily declared the dude. "I do not apweciate youah

Buckhorn, lookin

ir," faltered C

I'll be


ing like



ou lata

nd running for dear life, literally tearing up the dust o

See ther varmint go! I reckon I

d sent three or four bullets whistling past Cholly's ear

ver with fresh cartridges,

boys. They'd hev more fun with him then a funeral. Somehow, this yere place seems de

ty, "v'y don'd you go pack? Maype uf you

do you me

vas nod

er be, an' so I'

, Mouth; l

surprised. "Whatever did you cal



vas r

in't my

n; your mouth vas der

heard correctly, and then, noting that the crowd was beginning to la

s! You'll hev a chance ter att

own his pack, spat on

ndt, und I vill profe dat your mo

ce more producing the long-barreled revolver; "but I'll shoot yer so full o' ho

he way of stray bullets, "uf you shood ad me, id vill profe dat you vas a plowhardt und a cow

d county! This town is too slow ter


out from under yer cl

ut, instead of doing so, he ducked, leaped in swiftly beneath the leveled revolver, caught Bu

nd, if you try dat again, you vill ge

uttering another roar, he lunged at the Jew

life out of yer!" s

that," said the Jew, nimbly skipping aside. "Your nose sh

Rapahoe. It was a beautiful blow, and Buckhorn was knocked over in a

reeches, but he soon sat up, and then, seein

r is


you struc

the Jew, holding up

didn't hit me with a club, or

, mine friendt. Shust ged up, und I



trouble none whatever. I'm onter you. You're a perfessional pugilist in

, ged

hit me wh

'd tried some f

le. He then picked up his revolver, but made no offer to use it, for the Jew wa

er shoot 'thout drawin'," muttered the man from 'Rapahoe.

they saw the ruffian put the revolver back into

o dead slow as yer did? Don't yer 'low yer'd best go back ter 'Rapahoe, an' stay thar?

llen!" murmured Buckhorn, a

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