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Frank Merriwell's Pursuit


Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

accountably missing, caused much wonderment amon

se searchers in that vicinity, Fr

d his companions, having the girl a captive, land at a certain point after leaving

led by Frank to pick up the trail early on th

in the vicinity of the mountain where, at the suggestion of Red Ben, Del Norte ha

to smaller parties for the purpose of scouring the woods thereabouts. Belmont Bland had insisted on accompanying them

ns and keep the Mexican posted on Frank's movements. He had no proof of this, but all Bland's actions had seem

se watch on Bland. He then divided the searchers into five parties, leaving

inite spot at which to meet, Frank's party scattered to l

ror? At any rate, Frank was down there in the gloom of the valley. He heard the last cry that came from the doomed man's lips as he

t where the crash and thud had sounded. With his rifle ready for use, he tried to obtain a position which would command a clear view

gh the trees the western sky glowed redly, but thi

t whether a human being had fallen from the mountain by so

ot hesit

he sought the one who had fallen. His keen eyes s

t is a man. Here is where he crashed down through the branches of

he did so. Hastily lighting a match, he held the blaze protect

e!" he

ntly Frank did what he could to restore him.

e wide open, but he was bleeding from the mouth and pr

e are you hurt

was the faint answer

all? Tell me, for, at least,

ife!" gasped the dying man. "

id you

ivvil Porrfee

e! Del Nor

an' a whoite bandage about his head. This is me punishmint-

ech with failing strength, and F

n," urged Merry, "ju

r-talkin' wid him. Oi know Ben, an' Oi saved his loife wance b

th. Frank was deeply moved by the dying agonies of the unfortunate fellow

n everything possible while O'Toole cou

arried her off. It's your promise av protiction he asked fer if he-done thot. Oi wur comin'-to foind ye. Jist thin th'-the divvil

still lived. That explained the kidnapping of Inza. Merry had wondered that Del Norte's late companions s

the hands of that villa

at you shall be avenged, for never will I know a moment of rest u

Irishman. Striking another ma

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