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Frank Merriwell's Pursuit


Word Count: 2408    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n toward the western peak

manded a wide expanse of country, with a view of the lower hills and va

, over which he peered at intervals, h

ly, sat up and turned wi

ment this man appeared plainly in

ame hurried

ing of pursuers?" he


ar," he

ve seen



on of one brown hand towa



w m


r did t

other gesture

in case they found and followed the trail was successful. Are you s

dedly. "Ben he know. Make no m

a thousand feet underground. Even if they passed within ten feet o

ook hi

t know him. Two youn

it was in perfect working order. His usually handsome face wore a look

to meet him again face to face. Twice he has nearly destroyed me, but my escapes have told me my life is charmed

that the young American was handsome and manly in appearance, with a resolute face and a fearless eye. He declared that

im in company with many of his friends, but I pray

e," grunted Red

r equal, and it is this spirit that makes me love her all the mor

y long. Li

ou could bring

long. First chance we best go qu

are guardin

uick she g

have no

urveyed Del N

marry gal?

rn to make

your enemy, better leave her, git out fast. Canada

mph would not be complete if she es

d the Indian. "No he

om here, my o

o good. Alwus make bad trouble for anybody. Men big fools over gals. Ben know. Once him git foolish over

gesture. "This thing I have set myself to do I will

nd shrugged h

him finish up done for. All right. Ben he got nothin' to

f the hunters come near, give me warning. If Merriwell s

on the mountain side, while Del Norte retraced his steps to t

hing a solitary man who was making his way slowly and cautiously up the mountain. The eyes

es he disappeared from view amid the timber, only t

hed forward his rifle, bringing the butt against his shoulder. The muz

a flash and rolled over twice unti

other had scented danger, yet how this had happ

yer bist friend. Oi know ye're there, fer Oi saw th' bushes wiggle a w

ncreased, but for some moments h

declared he of the rich Irish brogue. "Oi know ye'r

exposing the uppe

invited. "B

place of concealment,

bet me loife Oi know th' mon, an' it's Red Ben.' Misther Merriwell wur sure th' spalpane he's afther must be somewhere here, an' it's the counthry all over they are searchin'. Oi took it on mesilf t

n, accepting O'Too

f. Long toime

you do

rough this girrul business. Arter Oi saved ye from bein' shot full av lead fer foolin' roun

key. White man

e than wance, and nivver a bit av a quarrel did we have. Oi'd not tell ye a loie, an' Oi want ye to know thot Frank Merriwell will rake these mountains

ut him?" asked Red Ben, a

Sure Oi found him a foine young gintleman, an' it's his friend Oi became. Wid me own hand Oi put a bullet through the head av thot shnale Porrfeeus dil Noort; an' now it's some av Dil Noort's gang that's seekin' to git square by carryin' off Merriwell's girrul. As yer friend,

tened with the fro

stioned. "Mebbe you tell um Merri

d th' girrul. Ye're in fer it, Ben, me bhoy, onliss ye turrun roight-about-face an' do

n, motioning toward the ground

e invitation and sq

the Indian. "He must have

h' divvils pwhat shtole th' girrul can't git away, fer Merriwell has tilegraphed it all over this parrut av th' counthry, an' it's big rewards he has o

big money for

anner. "Says Oi to mesilf whin Oi made up me moind ye wur wid the gints pwhat done ut, said Oi, 'Pat, me bhoy, Ben is yer friend, an' ye are his friend, an' it's up to ye to go along an' foind him an' give him a tip to

in the Indian over, and his words were not

Ask if him swear Ben no git hurt. Ask if him dare meet Ben an' s

will be, fer th'

wl hoot. When you come back make owl hoot so Ben no think it somebody els

ssible, and at the same time he was resolved to take every preca

further argument and pleading would be a waste of words. Once

le Oi'm spinding toime this way. It's a bit nervous Oi am about thrampin' round through th' woods afther darruk since Oi shot thot divvil Di

with a show of interest. "Him say Irishma

ot's th' firrust toime Oi ivver knew av a

ll um Del Norte?"

live wid a bullet clean through

red a man, who exultantly cried,

Traitor, this is my

e bandage about his head, the face of the Irishm

e groaned. "It is

ran blindly toward the precipice close at hand, over which he

red another shriek, which was f

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