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From Canal Boy to President

Chapter 9 Ways And Means.

Word Count: 1428    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

after supper and inquired if

mpetent," was the reply. "Have



, where my

did you wo

r tell you what I ha

been employed upon, and the frame house wh

rkman," he added, with a smile, "but

I am rather pressed

r two James wa

s quick to learn, and in a short time he was able to help in many ways. His wages were not very large, but they were satisfactory, since they enabled him to

received a letter

etting along. You took so little money with you that you may n

ough to secure work at a carpenter's-shop, and my expenses of living are very small. I

her or his good brother, who was prepared to make personal sacrifices, as he had been doin

ucation. In after-life he was so ready and powerful in debate, that we can readily understand that he must have begun early to try his powers. Many a trained speaker has first come to a consciousness of his strength in a lyceum of boys, pitted against some school-fellow of equal attainments. No doubt many crude and

iliarity with the subject, and in his after-life he always carefully prepared him

sing all the facts and principles involved, so far as he could; then he took pen and paper and wrote down the salient points in what he regarded their logi

could not afford to be idle. Moreover, he hoped to be able to

rnestly seeks it, and James heard

is man and questi

ant the wood cut. What w

uch is


t twenty-five cords for seven dollar

ive dollars," said the

but, on the other hand, it would be of es

dertake it

l you go

wered Jame

ill it was accomplished. We can imagine the satisfaction he felt when the money was put into

friends had rented the term before. He realized that to be in a condition to study well he must feed his body well, and he was

of Ashtabula County, was prepared to receive boarders, and, acco

t he had obtained the reputation of a steady and order

as an important one

o you expec

ugh he had twenty-five dollars in his pocket, the t

about right," said Mrs. Stiles,

he saw his way clear to pay this sum for a time, at least, and for t

board in any village, however obscure or humble. But in those days it was not so exceptional, and provisions were

e had neither underclothing nor overcoat, and but one outside suit, of cheap Kentucky jean. No doubt he was subjected to

eedingly thin at the knees, and one unlucky day, when he was incautiously

ed, and repaired damages as

aid in the evening, "but I can't afford to

ugh to mend," said Mr

wear while they are being men

f the boys. I will darn the hole so that you will never kno

ter years, the young man with but one pair of pantaloons, and those

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