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The Gold of the Gods


Word Count: 2659    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Kennedy, a few minutes later, as with Dr. Leslie and Professor Nor

whether the young lady was able to stand the strain of anothe

g hands with us. "I shall keep you informed, also, from my end. That pois

r closed, "was one word for me and two for himself. I can do the work; he wants to

red her composure that she was able

," apologized Kennedy, "but if I am to get a

-puzzled, and, I fancie

ll you-of course,

nemies who might desir

lmost with

then adding hastily: "Of course, you know, no one who tri

"was there any one who, for reasons best known to himself, might have murdere

he really knew. I got the impression from it, at least, that she was holding back s

ng the line of Kennedy's questioni

, her maid, Juanita, a very pretty girl of

spered, but not so low

im to come in, N

ch stronger than any about New York. As I took his appraisal, I found him unmistakably of the type of American sold

all in turn, "let me introduce Mr. Lockwood, my father's

engineer, for such he proved to be by ostensible profession, was

he remarked, as they shook hands. "Perh

rton, returning the pen

New York,

ure you are able to stand the strain of th

the fraction of an inch, as if to call attention to t

"I must," she sai

ed and did not relish an ai

Mendoza last night?" queried Kennedy, as if to read th

ay more than she could bear. "Yes. I came up here to report on some financial matters which interested both of us, very late, perhaps after midnight. I was abou

uch for Inez. She suppressed a little convulsive sob

suspicions?" pursued Kennedy. "No bottle, no g

m. "No," he answered; "I have told Dr. Leslie just what I found. If there had been anyth

t get over the feeling that he, as well as Inez, was not telling quite all he k

way. "You saw no weapon-a dag

the question. "Not a thing," he said deliberately. "I looked about carefully, t

elf to answer the telephone, while we stood

rita has mentioned?" asked Kennedy, seeing a cha

ich he had lighted the moment Inez left the room, as though such stories had no i

ot hostility, and I fancied that Norton, on his part, neglecte

now that there is treasure in that great old Chimu mound near Truxillo. Don Luis has the government conce

lection of his voice showed plainly that it was n

supplied Norton, gazing keenly into

was evident that that had been the

rita to the room seeme

hether to admit a visitor who comes with his sympathy." Then she turned from us to Lo

young man came in. Almost in silence he advanced to Inez and took he

hastened around to tell you how much I fee

the sentence. It was unnecessar

ad was high, with a shock of straight black hair, his skin rather copper-coloured, nose slightly aquiline,

re acquainted with Mr. de Moche, Professor Norton?" she asked.

ng man in a manner that plainly disconcerted h

it be that Senorita Mendoza had some antipathy which did not include the son? Though we did not seem to be making much progress in this way in solving the mystery, still I felt that before we could go a

ennedy?" she add

pus," said Craig, as I, too, shook hands with h

who was, however, considerably older than

to watch the faces of

e Moche it seemed that

ed each other with de

o be alternately wa

uld, with a parting interchange of frigid formalities with Lockwood. It did not take much of a detective to deduce that both of the young

ieved at his departure, though she had been cord

cted at Norton than at us. Once before I had thought he was on the point of excusing himself,

know," he added, "but I have a very important appointment. You know Don Luis and I were assisting in organizing the campaign of Stuart Whitney to interest American manufacturers, and particularly bankers, in the ch

," returned K

ng up this dreadful thing," went on Lockwood, in a

ith a significant glance. "I m

eiterated, bowing to Norton

Mendoza, Kennedy turne

ked. "I gather that yo


then adding, as if by way of confession,

ne to believe that she had only the kindliest feelings toward de

y the hand. "I must go now," he said simply. "If there is

ng," she

else," he persisted, "don't hesitate to tell me. I will come here

ousand times for the trouble you are going to in

over. I noticed also that Norton, though considerably older than any of

you," he promised. "You can

rmured. "You are all so

t a friend in all th

eel that I am not

but it was really mea

lings. It was a rare pl

ative of anything that

less po

he apartment house an

first to speak

these men, Lockwood and de Moch

ied cautiously. "I-I'd much pre

dy. "Have you no suspicions of w

talk of mere suspic

t the campus and at last drew up

d Kennedy, as we parted. "Your dagger seems to have stirred up more tr

e interest you have shown in its recovery. If anything else

tuart Whitney was a trustee of the University who had contributed heavily, among other things, to Norton's various expeditions to South America. Was it

recurred to me. "Well," I remarked, as we walked along, "

plied Craig abstracte

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